Downloading the plugin files When you purchase the plugin, you’ll immediately receive an email confirming your purchase. This email also...
To create a pricing rule, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Fees and Discounts and ensure that the ‘Enable Dynamic...
To set an additional fee or discount depending on the payment gateway chosen by your customer, go to WooCommerce >...
You can create bulk pricing rules for multiple products or for individual products. Bulk pricing rules are based on the...
You can set role based pricing for products in several ways: These methods apply to simple and variation products. 1....
FDynamic Pricing and Discount Rules will update the product price label to show a price range that includes possible discounted...
You can exclude certain products by ID from your global role-based rules using the wcfad_exclude_from_role_based_rules filter as in the following...
If you would like to define pricing rules that are specific to variations, add this snippet:
You can set role-based pricing rules and on a variation by variation basis. You can also set variation-specific role-based prices....
You can display the different prices available to each role by selecting the ‘Display each role prices’ option. Go to...