You can view all your discount rules at WooCommerce > Fees and Discounts.

Each rule’s status is clearly visible so you can know what rules are running.
Running multiple discounts
Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules allows you to run multiple discounts simultaneously. You can even run some discounts on the same products simultaneously.
- Only one discount per rule type can apply to a product. So, for example, only one ‘Simple’ discount can apply to a product
- If there are multiple rules of the same type that apply to the same product, then only the highest priority rule will take effect
- You can use role-based pricing and dynamic pricing like ‘simple’ and ‘buy one get one free’ together. For instance, you might have a 10% discount on all items in ‘Clothing’ and you might also be offering ‘Buy two teeshirts, get one half price’. In this case, both discounts would apply
- If you have discounts like ‘simple’ or ‘bulk pricing’ which adjust the product price, and you have discounts like ‘order total’ or ‘discount on spend’ which apply discounts based on the amount spent, then both discounts can apply
Prioritizing discount rules
The higher up the list, the higher the priority. You can drag and drop rules to a new priority by using the ‘Sort’ icon in the ‘Priority’ column.
Rule status
Rules can be either:
- Active: meaning the discount is currently being applied to products on your site
- Paused: meaning the discount rule settings have been saved but the rule is not active
- Scheduled: meaning the rule will automatically start and stop between your chosen times