Downloading the plugin files When you purchase the plugin, you’ll immediately receive an email confirming your purchase. This email also...
To create your first customised Thank You page, go to WooCommerce > Thank You Pages then click ‘Add Thank You...
The WooCommerce Thank You Pages plugin allows you to build your Thank You page out of multiple components. These components...
The coupons component allows you to offer your customer a discount coupon, encouraging them to make a repeat purchase. Adding...
Once you’ve created a Thank You page, you can use it to replace the existing, default WooCommerce Thank You page....
The Cross sells component allows you to recommend products based on your customer’s order. Adding the component to your Thank...
The Downloads component allows you to list any available downloads in the order. Adding the component to your Thank You...
The Order details component is the standard WooCommerce itemised list of the customer’s order. Adding the component to your Thank...
The Order summary component provides a simple overview of the customer’s order. Adding the component to your Thank You page...
The Shipping component allows you to provide the customer with shipping details plus embed a map. Adding the component to...