How to add a drag and drop multiple file uploader to WooCommerce

WooCommerce multiple file drag and drop uploader graphic

Depending on what type of store you’re running, you might want to give your customers the ability to upload one or multiple files to your WooCommerce product page using a nice drag and drop uploader. In this article, we’ll look at what a drag and drop uploader is and how you can easily add one to your product pages.

WooCommerce doesn’t have this feature built in, so you’ll need a plugin. The WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin allows you to add a drag and drop file uploader to your product pages.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate featured image

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Add a drag and drop file uploader to WooCommerce

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The Product Add-Ons Ultimate file uploader uses AJAX, which means that users can upload their files to your product page without needing to reload the page. The user can just drag files from the computer and drag them to the upload field on your product page.

The field has a slick, modern design which allows users to see the progress of each upload.

WooCommerce drag and drop file uploader

The uploader comes with stacks of options, including:

  • Drag and drop upload field
  • Multiple or single file uploads
  • Charge per upload
  • Set maximum file size
  • Specify file types
  • And more…

We’ll look at all these features.

Plus: the Add-Ons Ultimate plugin 20 other field types, including checkboxes, radio buttons, text fields, select fields.

This means that your drag and drop file uploader can be used as part of a wider range of product options.

How to add a drag and drop file uploader to WooCommerce

Installing and activating the plugin

After you purchase your copy of Product Add-Ons Ultimate:

  • Download the zip file using the link in your welcome email
  • Go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress dashboard
  • Click on the ‘Upload Plugin’ button
  • Drag and drop the zip file into the ‘Choose File’ area and click ‘Install Now’.
Plugin file upload area

When the file has uploaded, click on the ‘Activate’ button.

Adding an upload field

With Product Add-Ons Ultimate activated, you can add an upload field. To add a drag and drop uploader to your WooCommerce product page:

  • Click on the ‘Product Add-Ons’ tab in the ‘Product data’ section
  • Click ‘Add Group’ then ‘Add Field’
  • Select ‘Upload’ as the ‘Field Type’
  • Enter a label for the field in ‘Field Label’
WooCommerce file uploader field setting

Your AJAX drag and drop file uploader field is now ready to use.

Let’s look at how to configure some additional features.

AJAX drag and drop file uploader – additional option

If you’ve followed the steps above, then your file uploader should already be inserted on your product page. However, there are many other features that you can configure.

Setting a price for uploaded files

When you create your upload field, you can set a price for the upload. This will be added to the overall product price when the user uploads a file.

To add a price, just enter a value in the ‘Field Price’ setting:

WooCommerce upload field price

If you would like to charge for each upload, then just enable the ‘Price per upload’ option:

Price per upload setting

With this enabled, the price will increase per upload.

Allowing uploading multiple files

To allow the user to upload multiple files to the same field, you just need to select ‘Allow multiple uploads’ option.

WooCommerce multiple file uploads setting

Setting a maximum number of upload files

If you’d like to specify a limit to how many files the user can upload, just enter it in the ‘Max Files’ field.

Maximum number of files per upload field setting

If you want to allow an unlimited number of files, you can leave this field empty or just enter ‘0’.

Accepting PDF files

By default, the Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin accepts png, jpg/jpeg and gif files. If you’d like to allow the user to upload PDF files as well, just go to WooCommerce > Settings > Product Add-Ons > Uploads and enable the ‘Enable PDF uploads’ option.

Enable pdf uploads

Specifying file types

If you want to allow other file types, you can specify them in the ‘File types’ setting in WooCommerce > Settings > Product Add-Ons > Uploads.

Upload file types setting x.jpeg

This setting allows you to choose from a list of all file types – so you can select any file type you like for users to upload.

Limiting the permitted file size

To set a restriction on the maximum size of files that the user can upload, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Product Add-Ons > Uploads and update the value in the ‘Max file size’ field. The value you enter will be the maximum file size in MB.

max file size

Allowing users to add more files after the initial upload

Users can drag and drop multiple files to the uploader field. Once they’ve added some files, they might want to add extra files. They can do this by default. However, to make this clear to users, you can opt to retain the ‘upload’ icon on the field. This helps users understand that they can drag and drop additional files.

To do this, just select the ‘Retain Upload Graphic’ option.

retain upload graphic

Ensuring all files are uploaded

If users are uploading multiple files, they might try to check out before all the files have been uploaded. To ensure that users can’t do this, just select the ‘Disable Add to Cart Button’ option. The add to cart button will be inactive until all uploads have completed.

disable add to cart button

Organizing and accessing uploaded files

Once you’ve started receiving orders with multiple file uploads, you can decide how to organize and access them.

By default, uploaded files are listed as metadata per line item in the order.

Uploaded files as meta data

You can access each download by clicking on it.

Organising uploads by order

If you prefer, you can save all uploads in the order to a single zip file. Just select the ‘Organise uploads by order’ option.

woocommerce uploads by order

Now, to access the files, select the order and click the ‘Download Files’ button. The files uploaded to that specific order will be available as a zip file.

WooCommerce download files x.jpg

Renaming uploaded files

You may want to rename uploaded files using a specific convention. You can do this in the ‘Rename files’ field using dynamic tags. These will automatically update the file name with specific information based on the tags you’ve chosen.

So if you want to rename each uploaded file to include the order number, product ID and the original file name, just enter the following into the ‘Rename files’ field:


The dynamic tags include:

  • {original_file_name}
  • {order_number}
  • {group_id}
  • {field_id}
  • {date}
  • {product_id}
  • {product_sku}

Attaching uploads to email

If you want to attach uploaded files to customer and admin emails, just select the ‘Attach uploads to emails’ option. You might want to avoid this if the user can upload a large number of files.

woocommerce attach upload email

Extending the drag and drop file uploader

Now let’s look at some ways to extend the drag and drop multiple file uploader using some extensions for the WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin.

Editing uploaded images in the browser

By default, when a user adds an image file, it will upload without any changes. However, you might want to be able to control certain parameters – e.g. height and width of the image – or allow the user to edit their images before uploading.

For this, you’ll need the Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin plus the Advanced Uploads extension.

Advanced Uploads for Add-Ons Ultimate featured image

Advanced Uploads for Add-Ons Ultimate

Let users crop, size and rotate their uploaded files

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With Advanced Uploads, the user is presented with an editing interface where they can update their image. The user can select an area, and crop or rotate the image.

Edit uploaded files in WooCommerce

You can specify a number of parameters including:

  • Aspect ratio for the edited image – perfect if you require images in a certain proportion
  • Maximum height of an image in pixels
  • Maximum width of an image in pixels
  • Image quality

Counting the number of pages in an uploaded PDF

Another neat feature in Advanced Uploads is the ability to count the number of pages in a PDF file uploaded by the user. You can then use this figure in a calculation field in the Pro version of Add-Ons Ultimate for pricing or any other calculation.

Previewing uploaded images in the main product image

You can also allow users to preview their uploaded images as part of the main image. For this, you’ll need Product Add-Ons Ultimate plus the Image Preview extension.

Image Preview for Add-Ons Ultimate featured image

Image Preview for Add-Ons Ultimate

Preview uploaded images as part of the main product image

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With Image Preview, users can upload their images and immediately see them as part of the complete product image.

Image preview product example

There are further details on using the Image Preview plugin in this tutorial on creating a custom framing product in WooCommerce.

WooCommerce drag and drop multiple file uploader – final words

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate makes it easy for the user to drag and drop multiple file uploads on your WooCommerce product pages. You have multiple options to control parameter around the uploader – and it can even be extended to provide even more powerful functionality.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate featured image

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Add a drag and drop file uploader to WooCommerce

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