You can filter product add-ons after you’ve added them in the product or global settings. This is particularly useful if...
There are many occasions where you would like to be able to assign a weight to your WooCommerce product add-on...
As a rule, product add-ons don’t have SKUs. However, there are times when you want to assign an SKU to...
You might want to allow users to enter measurements in fractions, most likely of inches. So a user might want...
You can now access the page count for a PDF upload in your calculations by using this tag: {field_xxx_pdf_count} Note...
You can use the Swatches field in the Product Add-Ons Ultimate plugin to create image layers in your WooCommerce product....
Add-Ons Ultimate has a ‘Progress bar’ feature that will allow your users to see how far they’ve got through the...
Using Add-Ons Ultimate and Members Only, you can populate add-on field options (e.g. for a select or radio group field)...
You can set a different tax class for your add-on field than for the main product by using the ‘Products’...