Add-Ons Ultimate has a ‘Progress bar’ feature that will allow your users to see how far they’ve got through the product customization.
You can measure progress by add-on fields or by groups of fields:
- By field: the progress bar will update every time the user enters or chooses a value for one of the add-on fields
- By group: the progress bar will update when a group of fields has been completed
Additionally, you can choose whether to use all fields or only required fields to measure progress. So, if a field is optional, it won’t contribute to the progress bar.
To enable the progress bar on your products, go WooCommerce > Settings > Product Add-Ons and choose either ‘Fields’ or ‘Groups’ from the ‘Display progress bar’ setting.
Then, if you only want to log the completion of required fields, select ‘Required fields only’. This will apply whether your first setting is for groups or fields.
There are two types of progress bar – a default bar layout and a multistep layout. Select your preferred layout from the ‘Progress bar layout’ setting.
The default version looks like this:
The steps version looks like this: