Upload fields allow you to add upload fields to your WooCommerce product. To add an upload field, just choose ‘Upload’...
If you’re using the file upload field type, you can change the permitted file types by updating the ‘File types’...
WooCommerce Product Add Ons Ultimate has an upload field which allows your users to upload files. By default, the upload...
You can filter all the messages on the AJAX file upload field, e.g. “Drop files here to upload”, using the...
To increase the permitted upload file size, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Product Add-Ons and update the ‘Max file...
If you find that uploaded images are displaying broken thumbnails, you might find that it is related to your WordPress...
If you find that users on a slow connection, or with large files to upload, are experiencing a timeout message...
You can adjust the widths of the columns in the upload field by using this CSS:
Let’s say you only want to allow one file type to be uploaded. Here’s an example of how to ensure...
If you have a product with an upload field and you receive an order and/or an order email without the...