How to set custom quantity inputs for products in WooCommerce (step-by-step)

WooCommerce quantity input

WooCommerce, by default, lets customers purchase products in any quantity they like. The minimum quantity input is always 1, and the maximum is unlimited as long as the item remains in stock.

While this works just fine in many cases, there are lots of situations where you might want to set custom quantity inputs for your WooCommerce products. You can do this if you want to increase the average order value in your WooCommerce store since customers will need to purchase items in higher quantities.

On the other hand, you can also limit how many units of a single item that customers can buy to ensure more people get the chance to purchase. 

With this in mind, in this article, we’ll dive deeper into why you might want to set up custom quantity inputs in WooCommerce. We’ll also show you how to do this using the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin.

Why should you set custom quantity inputs in WooCommerce?

There are many reasons why you would want to customise the WooCommerce quantity input field on product pages.

Reason #1: You sell products in bulk or multiples

First of all, you can set a minimum order quantity as a way of increasing the average order value in your store. Let’s say you sell shampoo bars and want to sell them in a minimum quantity of three as a way of increasing the average order value of your customers. In this scenario, you’ll need a way to set custom quantity inputs. While you could create ‘3 shampoo bars’ as a single WooCommerce product, this isn’t ideal as customers would have to buy shampoo bars in multiples of three. If they want four shampoo bars, it wouldn’t be possible.

Beanie bulk order

There are situations where you would want to sell products in multiples. This works great for online stores that sell products in bulk and want to ensure customers can only purchase items in multiples.

Sell in multiples

For example, if you sell food items to supermarkets, you can set custom minimum quantity inputs to make it easier to purchase items in the correct quantity. This way, if you sell products like cartons of eggs, you can sell them in standard quantity sizes by setting the minimum quantity field to 6 and the maximum to 12.

Reason #2: You want to set limits on customers’ orders

You also might want to set a limit on the maximum number of items a customer can purchase per order. This is useful if you are a wholesaler and want to distribute your products across more shops. For instance, customers can only purchase a maximum of 50 hoodies from your online apparel store.

Beanie with max quantity

In addition to this, setting custom quantity inputs in WooCommerce is also useful if you’re launching a new or exclusive product on your online store and don’t want scalpers to buy your stock out. In this case, you’d set a maximum quantity input limit so customers can only buy one of those items each.

Reason #3: You want to sell products in bundles

There are also scenarios where you might want to replace the default quantity options in WooCommerce with text.

Sell products in bundles

For example, if you sell boxes of wine, you can create bundles or packs of multiple bottles and let your customers choose from “3 bottles” or “6 bottles” options. Displaying a text label instead of the default WooCommerce quantity field helps customers better visualise the quantity they’re purchasing.

Reason #4: You want to incentivise customers to buy more

You can also use a WooCommerce custom quantity field to incentivise shoppers to increase the size of their orders. For instance, you can set a discount rule that gives your customers a 10% discount if they buy at least 5 pieces of the same product. This way, you can set “5” as a custom quantity to facilitate their purchase. (Note that you will also need the Fees and Discounts plugin to set discounts)

What’s the best way to set WooCommerce quantity inputs?

While you can adjust custom quantity inputs in WooCommerce by adding code to your child theme’s functions.php file, it can be risky and requires you to have adequate coding knowledge.

That’s why we recommend using a plugin to do this on your WooCommerce site. It’s easier and it minimises any risk of breaking your site. In addition to this, you get much more functionality out of the box.

The best plugin to set custom quantity inputs in WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order.

Introducing WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

The WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin is designed to help you increase your online store’s revenue by setting custom quantity inputs.

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order featured image

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

Maximise your revenue by setting rules on quantity and value

Find Out More

Set minimum and maximum rules on global or single products

With this plugin, you can control minimum and maximum quantities globally on your online store. For example, if you run a wholesale store, you can specify a minimum and maximum quantity for wholesale products. If you set the maximum quantity for products as “3”, shoppers will be able to add 3 items to their cart of the same product at most. This is perfect if you’re running a campaign, launching new products, or have a few products where this ordering system makes more sense.

You can also use the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin to set minimum or maximum order rules for a single product page in your store. For instance, if you sell protein bars, you might not want to set a minimum of 5 units but rather create a rule that customers have to spend at least $10 on the product.

You have full control over the default quantity field for any product or variation available for purchase. For instance, you can set the minimum quantity for a product to 10 and the maximum to 20. You can also define custom quantity input rules for specific product categories or products with specific attributes while also having the option to exclude specific products from your quantity rules. For example, you can apply a minimum and maximum quantity rule only to products that are on sale.

Advanced features – define step values for products and use text descriptions

Additionally, the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin also lets you use advanced rules to define increments or step values for your product quantities in whatever way you like. For instance, you can set step values for eggs to 12 so customers can only purchase them by the dozen. Check out this demo for WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order to see how this works in action.

You can also add a short description to your quantity fields so you’re not only limited to showcasing numbers. Let’s say you sell craft beer. Instead of setting up product variations, you can sell a half case of beer or a full case of beer. This way, customers don’t have to set quantities manually.

Use dropdowns to display quantities and add error messages

The WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin also lets you display the product quantity field as a dropdown. This way, customers can compare their options for ordering a product.

On top of this, you can also set customisable labels and error messages based on your quantity rules to inform customers if they’re not meeting specific quantity rules for purchasing the product. For instance, if shoppers need to spend a minimum of $20 on a product and they try to place an order of $18, you can set an error notice which will be triggered when customers click the add to cart button.

WooCommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity and Order integrations

The WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin seamlessly integrates with other great plugins to help you create an even more powerful shopping experience on your WooCommerce site.

You can use custom quantity rules with the WooCommerce Fees and Discounts plugin to create powerful pricing incentive offers on your online store. This way, you can offer discounts on products with the custom quantity field so if customers buy 10 items instead of 5, they will get a 20% discount. This not only encourages more purchases but also helps you increase the average order value of customers on your WooCommerce store.

If you are looking for an all-in-one solution for creating a more powerful wholesale store, you can integrate the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin with WooCommerce Wholesale Plugin Bundle, which includes WooCommerce Fees and Discounts and WooCommerce Members Only.

How to set custom quantity inputs with WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to set up the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin on your WooCommerce shop pages and show you and use it to customise quantity inputs for products on your online store.

Step #1: Install and activate WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

Start by getting the WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin and installing it on your WooCommerce site.

To do that, navigate to Plugins → Add New and upload the plugin’s ZIP file to your WooCommerce site. Make sure to click on the Install Now button to continue.

Once the plugin is installed and activated on your WooCommerce site, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings Min Max and click on the Licence link from the top.

Paste the license key given to you at the time of purchase and click on the Save changes button to continue.

Step #2: Set minimum and maximum quantity rules for products

The next step is to set minimum and maximum quantity rules for your products. To get started, navigate WooCommerce → Min Max Rules from the WordPress admin panel and click on the Add New button.

New min max rule WooCommerce

After giving your minimum or maximum quantity rule a new title, specify whether you want to apply it to all products on your WooCommerce site or to specific ones using the Applies to option.

WooCommerce quantity input rules

The WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order plugin lets you either set a minimum value or quantity that a customer has to fulfill before they can purchase their order. For instance, a customer has to spend at least $20 or purchase a minimum of 3 pieces of a product. Using the Minimum Quantity field, specify the minimum amount of items a customer has to purchase for your selected products.

Similarly, you can also set a maximum purchase limit using the Maximum Quantity field. The Quantity Increment field is used to specify quantity increments for your product so customers can only select the correct quantity of a product. For instance, if you sell t-shirts in packs of 3 only, setting the increment to 3 would work best.

Once you’re done, make sure to click on the Publish button to continue.

Step #3: Customise the quantity field

Customers will now see the minimum quantity as default and will not be able to decrease the quantity of the product below the minimum specified quantity.

Minimum quantity

In this example, customers can increase product quantity with increments of 3 up to the specified maximum quantity.

Quantity input increments

You can replace the default WooCommerce quantity selector with a dropdown menu and optionally use text labels instead of numbers. To do this, navigate back to the quantity rule edit page and select the Display as Dropdown checkbox.

Display as dropdown

Using the Defined Quantities text field, you can specify the quantity labels in even more unique ways. For instance, if you sell beanies in packs of 3, you can showcase “Pack Of 3”, “Pack Of 6”, and “Pack of 9” buttons. Specify the quantity and insert the “|” symbol before specifying the quantity text label. Once you’re done, click on the Update button to continue.

Quantity inputs in a dropdown

This way, instead of displaying the standard quantity selectors, you can let customers select their desired quantity using dropdown menus.

Checking out

Set WooCommerce quantity input on your online store

Setting custom quantity inputs for products in WooCommerce is a great way to increase the average order value of your online store by increasing the minimum order requirement and limiting how many items a single user can purchase from you so it’s easier to distribute products to more customers.

While you can do this in default WooCommerce with the help of custom code in the back-end, it’s much better to use a dedicated WooCommerce quantity input plugin such as WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order.

With this plugin, you can create and showcase WooCommerce custom quantity fields for any WooCommerce product on your online store without having to touch a single line of code! It also lets you show labels and error messages based on custom quantity input rules. This way, you can encourage users to spend a specific amount of money before they can checkout from their WooCommerce cart page and inform users who don’t meet the ordering requirements in a user-friendly way.

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order featured image

WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order

Maximise your revenue by setting rules on quantity and value

Find Out More

Ready to start easily setting custom quantity inputs for products in WooCommerce? Get WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order today!

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