WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules - Plugin
Create powerful pricing incentives quickly and easily
Set complex pricing rules for your products - a complete solution for setting dynamic and role-based discounts

Create powerful WooCommerce dynamic pricing incentives
Easily set fees and discounts in your WooCommerce store
8 types of discount pricing
- Apply discounts by quantity or spend
- Create dynamic pricing rules like Buy One Get One Free
- Set fees and discounts based on payment gateway
- Fixed price or percentage

Bulk and dynamic pricing rules
- Use discounts as upsells
- Discounts and fees by product, category, cart
- User role pricing
- Display pricing tiers in easy to read tables

Unbeatable support and resources
- Personal support from our team
- Comprehensive documentation and videos
- Customisable and extendable
- Perfect for coders and non-coders alike

What customers say about our WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin
I wanted something that offered bulk discounts and something that offered discounts to specific user roles throughout my site. The Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin fixed both of my problems with one plugin.

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin features
The most advanced discount rules plugin available

Dynamic pricing
Create flexible dynamic discount rules and decide which products to apply them to

Bulk pricing
Offer quantity-based discounts to encourage customers to purchase more

Buy one get one free
Incentivize users by offering free or discounted products

Customer specific discounts
Provide tailored pricing for specific user roles

Targeted discounts
Apply discounts storewide, by category, or to specific products

Promote and incentivize
Let users know what offers are available with targeted content

Scheduled sales
Automatically start and stop discount rules

Payment gateway fees & discounts
Set discounts or surcharges depending on payment gateway

Tax exempt user roles
Exempt specific user roles from taxes
All purchases are covered by a 14 day money back guarantee. Prices are in US Dollars.
Yearly licences renew annually - cancel anytime
Lifetime licences are a one-time payment
$59.00 + VAT *
Use on a single siteUse this plugin on one production site
Renews annuallyThis plugin will automatically renew every year. If you cancel it, you can continue to use the plugin but will not receive support or updates
14 day money back guaranteeIf the plugin isn't what you want, just drop us a line within 14 days for a full refund
$99.00 + VAT *
Use on unlimited sitesUse this plugin on as many sites as you like
Renews annuallyThis plugin will automatically renew every year. If you cancel it, you can continue to use the plugin but will not receive support or updates
14 day money back guaranteeIf the plugin isn't what you want, just drop us a line within 14 days for a full refund
$149.00 + VAT *
Use on a single siteUse this plugin on one production site
One-time paymentThis is a single one-time charge. You'll recieve support and updates for the lifetime of the product
14 day money back guaranteeIf the plugin isn't what you want, just drop us a line within 14 days for a full refund
$249.00 + VAT *
Use on unlimited sitesUse this plugin on as many sites as you like
One-time paymentThis is a single one-time charge. You'll recieve support and updates for the lifetime of the product
14 day money back guaranteeIf the plugin isn't what you want, just drop us a line within 14 days for a full refund
A full refund if you're not happy
I built this plugin myself and my team and I are available to support you personally. We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase so if, for any reason, this plugin doesn't meet your expectations over the next 14 days, let us know and we'll give you a full refund.
Your customer support team is absolutely superb. I have worked with Collins and Clint, and they have been helpful, patient, and incredibly easy to work with.

Why buy the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin?
By installing the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules plugin, you have complete control over your product pricing and can implement complex strategies that will encourage and incentivize customers to spend more in your WooCommerce store.
Changelog for WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules
= 2.3.2, 22 January 2025 =
* Fixed: fatal error in PHP 8.3 if a rule applies to specific products and the Buy products list is empty
* Fixed: some pricing rules are not getting applied to products in the cart if the rules have the same rule types
= 2.3.1, 2 December 2024 =
* Added: wcfad_disallow_multiple_discounts filter to ensure multiple rules of the same type aren't applied to the same product
* Fixed: Simple dynamic pricing incorrectly getting applied to variable products
* Fixed: Simple dynamic pricing not getting applied to the selected variation price on the product page
* Fixed: Buy X Get X not working if applied to Specific categories and all products in the cart are variations
* Fixed: Discount pricing table is sometimes not displayed on the product page if another rule has limitations on roles
* Updated: drag and drop rule order
= 2.3.0, 23 October 2024 =
* Added: message field to display info in product short description
* Added: filter woocommerce_format_sale_price to ensure non-discounted products' prices are formatted correctly
* Fixed: updates rule status when saved via 'Quick edit'
* Fixed: PHP warning if $rule is not set
* Updated: display rules in ascending menu order
* Updated: only query published rules in wcfad_get_dynamic_pricing_rules
* Updated: WP_Query meta_query in wcfad_get_discounted_at_product_level
= 2.2.2, 10 October 2024 =
* Fixed: display correct discounted price for variations with simple discount
* Fixed: fatal error in PHP 8.3 on products shortcode when using simple discount
* Updated: display sales flash on variable product pages
* Updated: display sales flash on archive pages
* Updated: no longer remove woocommerce_product_is_on_sale filter in wcfad_get_price_html
* Updated: use wc_format_sale_price to format prices
= 2.2.1, 2 October 2024 =
* Added: pewc_disable_wcfad_on_addons setting
* Updated: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater for PHP8.2 compatibility
= 2.2.0, 1 October 2024 =
* Updated: name change to WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules
* Updated: enhanced compatibility with Product Add-Ons Ultimate
= 2.1.1, 18 September 2024 =
* Added: wcfad_display_prices_per_role filter
* Fixed: 'Simple' rule type not calculating correctly
* Fixed: missing $buy_product_id in wcfad_validate_rule_simple
* Updated: display 'Roles' fields for 'Simple' rules
= 2.1.0, 10 September 2024 =
* Added: "Simple" rule type
* Added: "Tiered" adjustment type
* Added: option to exclude roles from rule
* Added: wcfad_set_bulk_discount_meta filter - set to true to display bulk discount per line item
* Added: option to display strikethrough on product page
* Fixed: payment gateway fees and discounts not working on Checkout page when using WooCommerce Blocks
* Updated: CSS to hide some elements on rule screens
* Updated: ensure role-based rules are respected in wcfad_get_discounted_products
= 2.0.5, 2 July 2024 =
* Added: wcfad_exclude_buys_from_coupons filter
* Fixed: Bulk Pricing and Discount on Spend rules not working on variable products when applied to specific categories
* Fixed: fixed discount amount is applied to each variation when fixed adjustment is set to all and consolidate variations is enabled
* Fixed: Fixed Adjustment issue on Buy X Get X and Buy X Get Y rules with Fixed Discounts
* Fixed: incorrect price range in discount table on product page when using Discount on Spend rule
* Updated: clear transient data when saving a rule
* Updated: reset wcfad_adjusted_items and wcfad_adjusted_price when saving a product, a rule, or the global settings
* Updated: exclude Buy items in BXGX and BXGY rules from coupons
* Updated: exclude all items with bulk discounts from coupons
= 2.0.4, 27 March 2024 =
* Added: wcfad_after_apply_cart_discount filter
* Fixed: duplicate notices on checkout page
* Fixed: migration page not getting displayed
* Updated: added step attribute to product level amount setting
= 2.0.3, 15 January 2024 =
* Added: wcfad_force_adjusted_price_as_max filter
* Added: wcfad_tier_min_step and wcfad_tier_max_step filters
* Fixed: cart item subtotal displays prices twice
* Fixed: PHP Deprecated warning in PHP 8.1
* Fixed: no discount displayed if bulk discount applies to all products and Fixed adjustment type is per product
* Fixed: product prices in cart are adjusted twice if user-role pricing is set
* Fixed: PHP Warnings in error log
* Fixed: fatal error in PHP 8 if product price is empty
* Fixed: original price is displayed in cart even if Display original price setting is disabled
* Fixed: prices in cart do not show user-role fees if product has add-on fields
* Fixed: original price is displayed twice in product page if both Dynamic Pricing and User Role Pricing are enabled
* Fixed: Order Total rule not getting applied if there are multiple rules for different user roles
* Fixed: parse error if WooCommerce not active
* Updated: coupons can now be excluded for all types of dynamic pricing
= 2.0.2, 27 November 2023 =
* Fixed: clear transients when rule deleted
= 2.0.1, 27 November 2023 =
* Fixed: parse error in cart
= 2.0.0, 21 November 2023 =
* Added: rule statuses - active, paused, scheduled
* Added: option to consolidate variations
* Added: discount on spend option
* Added: per product price rules
* Added: option to display strikethrough
* Added: scheduled discounts
* Added: option to display label as on-sale badge
* Added: option to display discounted products with sale products
* Added: display up-sell notifications
* Added: option to consolidate items with add-on fields
* Added: dynamic rules can be imported and exported
* Updated: migrate dynamic rules to custom post type
= 1.9.6, 23 September 2023 =
* Fixed: product-level user role pricing not applied to add-on fields in variable products
* Updated: compatibility with WooCommerce High-Performance order storage
= 1.9.5, 29 June 2023
* Added: wcfad_role_pricing_rules filter
* Updated: wcfad_original_price is reset when saving a product or saving Fees and Discounts settings
= 1.9.4, 24 April 2023 =
* Added: wcfad_validate_bulk_rule_buy_categories and wcfad_validate_bulk_rule_taxonomy filters
* Added: wcfad_validate_bulk_buy_cart_categories and wcfad_validate_bulk_rule_cart_taxonomy filters
* Fixed: discounts are applied to the mini cart more than once in some themes
* Updated: transients are now cleared every time a variable product is saved
= 1.9.3, 6 December 2022 =
* Added: pewc_disable_wcfad_on_addons filter
* Added: wcfad_cancel_qualifying_bulk_product_meta filter
* Added: wcfad_ignore_sale_prices_by_role filter
* Fixed: issue with variation prices if User Role Pricing is enabled
= 1.9.2, 14 September 2022 =
* Fixed: compatibility of discount pricing table with Better Variations grid view
* Fixed: product with no add-on fields reverts to original price instead of user role price if a product with add-on fields is added to the cart
* Fixed: item price in mini cart does not reflect discounts or fees
* Updated: rule tiers are now sorted by min quantity / total
= 1.9.1, 10 August 2022 =
* Fixed: "Apply tax to fees" setting in Payment Gateways was not being recognized if Dynamic Pricing is not in use
* Fixed: main price was not getting updated with the correct bulk price on variation change
= 1.9.0, 22 June 2022 =
* Added: compatibility with Add-Ons Ultimate add-on fields on product pages
* Added: option to exclude discounted products from further discounts from coupons
* Added: wcfad_pewc_adjust_field_prices and wcfad_pewc_adjust_look_up_table_prices filters
* Fixed: fatal error in wcfad_get_best_price_by_variation_id
* Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility issues
* Fixed: incorrect discount if discount is Fixed Fee on a specific variation
* Fixed: incorrect discounted prices in the cart if a product's price is set by a calculation field
* Updated: extra options for product discount table
= 1.8.8, 18 April 2022 =
* Added: French translation files
* Fixed: price range and pricing table display zero price if tier amount for fixed adjustments is blank
* Fixed: tax issues on bulk pricing if prices in cart is displayed excluding tax
= 1.8.7, 25 March 2022 =
* Fixed: tax issues on bulk pricing with fixed adjustments
= 1.8.6, 23 March 2022 =
* Added: wcfad_user_role_adjustment_amount_step filter
* Added: wcfad_count_all_items filter
* Fixed: discount doubling in cart with Add-Ons Ultimate for global user role rules
* Fixed: if Display each role prices is enabled, prices are duplicated if user is logged in
* Fixed: if Display each role prices is enabled, variable products display zero prices
* Fixed: conflict issue if there is an Order Total discount and a Bulk Pricing discount
* Fixed: dynamic pricing table on product page showing prices without tax
* Fixed: wcfad_show_original_price filter shows zero price
* Fixed: if role-based pricing for a variation is higher than the original price, it doesn't get used
* Updated: clear wcfad_available_variations and wcfad_best_variation_prices options when settings are saved
* Updated: adjust display of cart item prices if there is an order total percentage discount
= 1.8.5, 11 October 2021 =
* Added: wcfad_get_available_variations and wcfad_get_best_variation_prices
* Fixed: ensure bulk and order fees are always positive values
* Fixed: ensure $min set correctly in wcfad_get_adjusted_price
* Fixed: show label for all products in order total rule
* Fixed: payment gateway fees and discounts amount and double tax
* Fixed: respect Disabled setting in fees/discounts for payment gateways
* Fixed: Buy X Get X miscalculation
* Fixed: only show pricing table for a specific variation if discount is applied only to that variation
* Fixed: display role-based pricing set for a variation on a variable product's page
* Fixed: apply User Role Adjustments to the cart page
* Fixed: compatibility between user role pricing and Deposits and Part Payments
* Fixed: fees not affecting simple products
* Updated: only show 'User Roles' tab when role based pricing is enabled
* Updated: removed woocommerce_clear_cart_url function
= 1.8.4, 14 July 2021 =
* Added: wcfad_bulk_adjusted_items filter to exclude items from discount
* Added: wcfad_return_price_without_range filter
* Added: wcfad_adjusted_price and wcfad_adjusted_price_decimal_places to round price tiers
* Fixed: ensure calculated price from Add-Ons Ultimate is not overwritten
* Fixed: prevent role-based adjustments from compounding for users with multiple roles
* Fixed: tax missing from variable price range
* Fixed: prevent the same discount table showing multiple times for variable products
* Fixed: ensure discount table appears for category based rules
= 1.8.3, 17 May 2021 =
* Added: option to disable price label update in Fees and Discounts
* Added: option to list each role price
* Fixed: products with 0 price not discounted correctly
* Fixed: tax applied twice to discounts in certain circumstances
* Fixed: fee on cart total applied twice
* Fixed: adjustment type 'all' not respected
* Updated: fixed adjustments applied to the cart no longer displayed in price range or table
= 1.8.2, 7 April 2021 =
* Added: pewc_qty_changed trigger in wcfad-script.js
* Fixed: cart subtotal not adjusting when Add-Ons Ultimate active
* Fixed: variable product price tables
* Fixed: display correct pricing table and price range by user role
* Fixed: wcfad_get_cart_discount_value not calculating correct fee
* Fixed: order total discount not applied correctly
* Updated: pricing table shows correctly for variable products
= 1.8.1, 1 March 2021 =
* Added: discount rule for order total
* Fixed: variation price tables display correctly for category rules
* Fixed: variation price tables display correctly for variable products
* Fixed: shipping calculator update resets cart total without adjustments
* Fixed: discount tables for specific roles appearing for non-logged in users
= 1.8.0, 27 January 2020 =
* Added: specific role-based prices for variations
* Added: exclude tax by user role
* Fixed: correctly format role-based prices using wc_format_decimal
* Fixed: price with add-ons not adjusting correctly in cart
* Fixed: parse error causing Divi builder to hang
* Fixed: variation price tables display correctly when variations have different rules
= 1.7.4, 27 November 2020 =
* Fixed: simple products applying double discount in certain circumstances
= 1.7.3, 27 November 2020 =
* Fixed: variations not adjusted in Buy X Get Y
* Fixed: role-based adjustments getting doubled in certain circumstances
* Fixed: correctly display variation price range
* Updated: improved Subscriptions support
* Updated: improved Product Table Ultimate support
* Updated: allow global and product role-based adjustments
= 1.7.2, 2 November 2020 =
* Added: optional cache price range HTML
* Added: wcfad_display_discounted_products_on_sale filter
* Fixed: prices getting double adjustments
* Fixed: Buy X Get Y on all items firing adjustment too quickly
* Fixed: Buy X Get Y on products not discounting cheapest one
* Fixed: Buy X Get Y not discounting categories correctly
* Updated: return null price doesn't get overwritten in wcfad_get_price_html
* Updated: licence messaging
= 1.7.1, 2 October 2020 =
* Added: wcfad_show_original_price filter
* Fixed: top tier price showing range when max not specified
* Fixed: removed pewc_filter_default_price to prevent role based adjustments applied twice in Add-Ons Ultimate
* Fixed: display role-based prices in variable products' range
* Updated: reinstated set_price in cart for role-based price
= 1.7.0, 24 September 2020 =
* Added: roles field for bulk pricing rules
* Fixed: bulk rules evaluating when rule type set to BXGX
* Fixed: BXGX rule validation for count by all
= 1.6.6, 21 September 2020 =
* Added: wcfad_enable_add_ons_field_option filter
* Added: wcfad_payment_gateway_amount filter
* Added: added $count_all_items to wcfad_get_cart_discount_value
* Fixed: BXGY not correctly adjusting
* Fixed: bulk fixed adjustment not calculating for count by all
= 1.6.5, 30 July 2020 =
* Fixed: cart fee incorrectly calculated
= 1.6.4, 23 July 2020 =
* Fixed: product table for fixed adjustments showing incorrect prices
= 1.6.3, 23 July 2020 =
* Added: wcfad_variation_prices_price to display correct role-based price range for variable products
* Fixed: Buy X Get Y inccorectly discounting X not Y
* Fixed: role-based price not updating for fee adjustments
* Updated: show correct variation range
* Updated: get best role-based price for variations in wcfad_get_regular_price, not in cart
* Updated: only show variation pricing adjustments if role-based pricing is enabled
* Updated: removed woocommerce_available_variation filter, adjustments now covered by wcfad_get_regular_price
= 1.6.2, 17 July 2020 =
* Fixed: price ranges not calculating correctly for fixed discount rules
= 1.6.1, 16 July 2020 =
* Added: filter to include cart fees in payment gateway charges
* Fixed: update original_price in JS on show_variation
* Updated: fees applied as fixed adjustment correctly calculated
= 1.6.0, 14 July 2020 =
* Added: dynamically change product price on single product page when quantities updated
* Added: role-specific price fields
* Fixed: label not displaying on Buy X rules
* Fixed: correct number of items not discounting for Buy X Get Y
* Fixed: correctly update percentage prices in Add-Ons Ultimate
* Updated: performance improvements for price range filter on archive pages
* Updated: role-based price updated via woocommerce_product_get_price not woocommerce_before_calculate_totals
* Updated: removed pewc_filter_default_price filter
* Updated: dynamically change product price for Add-Ons Ultimate
* Updated: removed wcfad_plugin_updater on admin_init
= 1.5.2, 24 June 2020 =
* Fixed: parse error in functions-product.php for array_intersect
= 1.5.1, 23 June 2020 =
* Added: wcfad_exclude_bulk_product_ids filter
* Fixed: variation price tables not always displaying
= 1.5.0, 6 April 2020 =
* Added: enable cart-wide discounts using fees
* Added: apply fixed adjustments per product
* Fixed: global role-based rules not honoured in variable products
= 1.4.16, 9 March 2020 =
* Updated: wcfad_get_price_html filter to include variable products
= 1.4.15, 5 March 2020 =
* Added: price_html suffix in wcfad_get_price_html
* Added: separate pricing tables for each variation
* Fixed: chosen variation price not displaying when Add-Ons Ultimate is active
= 1.4.14, 26 February 2020 =
* Added: wcfad_get_price_html filter to add incentive pricing
= 1.4.13, 3 February 2020 =
* Added: role-based rules for variations
* Fixed: correctly display price ranges
= 1.4.12, 27 January 2020 =
* Added: initial integration with Add-Ons Ultimate for role-based product prices
* Fixed: don't check dynamic pricing rules when dynamic pricing is not enabled
* Updated: range column for equal min/max quantities in pricing table
= 1.4.11, 20 January 2020 =
* Added: wcfad_exclude_from_role_based_rules filter to exclude products from global role-based rules
* Fixed: role based pricing for variations
= 1.4.10, 9 January 2020 =
* Added: German translation
* Fixed: tiers not duplicating correctly
* Fixed: adjusted price displaying incorrectly on product with single variation
* Fixed: only skip buy products in validating bxgy
= 1.4.9, 23 December 2019 =
* Fixed: global user role pricing
= 1.4.8, 22 December 2019 =
* Fixed: excluded category products getting counted
= 1.4.7, 10 December 2019 =
* Fixed: check for variable products in bulk pricing rules
= 1.4.6, 5 December 2019 =
* Fixed: check for variable products
= 1.4.5, 4 December 2019 =
* Fixed: parse error in cart from empty rules
* Fixed: parse error on product page
= 1.4.4, 13 November 2019 =
* Added: woocommerce_json_search_products_and_variations filter
* Fixed: first tier not saving correctly
* Fixed: adjusted product price showing as 0
* Updated: wcfad_dynamic_pricing option name to wcfad_dynamic_pricing_enabled
= 1.4.3, 3 September 2019 =
* Added: wcfad_filter_cart_item_subtotal filter
* Fixed: calculate tax correctly for adjusted cart items
= 1.4.2, 22 August 2019 =
* Fixed: display price with correct tax settings
= 1.4.1, 21 August 2019 =
* Fixed: prevent redirection from admin
= 1.4.0, 12 August 2019 =
* Added: user role pricing
* Added: product price HTML displays price range
* Updated: product price HTML respects sale prices and variation pricing range
= 1.3.4, 21 June 2019 =
* Fixed: missing payment gateways submenu
= 1.3.3, 29 May 2019 =
* Fixed: fees not calculating correctly in cart totals
= 1.3.2, 28 May 2019 =
* Fixed: rounding price down to 0
= 1.3.1, 9 May 2019 =
* Fixed: enqueue admin scripts only where needed
= 1.3.0, 8 May 2019 =
* Added: integration with Product Add Ons Ultimate
* Updated: allow decimals in Payment Gateway number fields
= 1.2.0, 26 March 2019 =
* Added: tiered quantity discounts and fees
= 1.1.3, 15 February 2019 =
* Updated: licence updater ready for migration
= 1.1.2, 21 January 2019 =
* Added: Maximum items field
= 1.1.1, 15 January 2019 =
* Fixed: incorrect discounts on 'All' items
= 1.1.0, 7 January 2019 =
* Added: dynamic pricing
= 1.0.0, 26 November 2018 =
* Initial commit
Pre-Sales and Licensing
Will this plugin work with my theme?
All my plugins are independent of the theme being used so there shouldn't be any problems. If you do run into any issues, just let us know and we will take a look.
Do you offer refunds?
Yes, there’s a 14 day money back guarantee. The purpose of this guarantee is to give you plenty of time to assess the plugin to see if it will meet your needs.
During the 14 days, if you’ve got any questions about the plugin and what you are hoping to achieve with it, just raise a support ticket and we’ll get back to you.
You can find out how to register your refund request here.
Is there a free trial?
We don’t offer free trials or backend demos but all products are backed by a 14 money back guarantee so if the plugin isn’t what you wanted, we will issue you with a refund.
This allows you to spend time testing the plugin on your own environment, with your own theme and with your own plugins. It’s the best way to help you be sure that the plugin is what you want.
You can also upgrade your licence at any time – so, if you wish, you can purchase a Yearly licence initially then upgrade to the Lifetime licence within the first year and just pay the difference.
If you have any questions during your 14 day refund period, you can raise a support ticket and we will get straight back to you.
How long is the licence valid for?
Yearly licences are valid for a year. During that time you are entitled to receive free updates and support. After 12 months, yearly licences will automatically renew. You can cancel at any time.
Lifetime licences are a single, one-off payment. Lifetime licences do not expire and you are entitled to receive all future updates for the plugin.
You can purchase a Yearly licence then upgrade to Lifetime if you wish. Upgrade within the first year to just pay the difference.
Can I upgrade my licence and just pay the difference?
Yes, you can upgrade your licence any time in the first year and just pay the difference. So if you want to upgrade from Basic to Pro or if you want to upgrade from Yearly to Lifetime, you can do so and only pay the difference in price.
Also, if you wish, you upgrade from one product to a bundle that contains that product and also only pay the difference. So you can buy one or more products then upgrade to the All Access Bundle and only pay the difference in price.
What’s the difference between Basic and Pro licences?
The Basic licence entitles you to updates and support for one site; the Pro licence entitles you to updates and support for unlimited sites.
You can try out the Basic licence first then upgrade to Pro at any time. Here’s how to upgrade your licence.
Is the plugin translatable?
Yes, all our plugins are fully translatable and many come with translations in various languages. If you wish to contribute your own translations, we can add those to the core plugin to ensure they don't get overwritten.
The plugins are also compatible with WPML and other popular multilingual plugins like LocoTranslate.
Did this plugin used to be called Fees and Discounts?
Yes, this plugin used to be called WooCommerce Fees and Discounts. We changed its name in September 2024.
What discount rules are available?
You can apply the following types of discount by product, category or storewide:
- Simple: apply a simple percentage or fixed discount (or fee) to some or all products in your store
- Bulk discounts: create quantity-based discounts. For example, apply a 10% discount when the user purchases 10 items, a 20% discount when they purchase 20 items, and so on
- Tiered pricing: set different prices for products based on how many items the user purchases. For example, set the product price to $15 when the user purchases 10 or more items, $12 when they purchase 20 or more, and so on
- BOGOF: with Buy One Get One Free offers, users can purchase an item and get another item free. You can vary this in any way you like - e.g. Buy Two and Get One Half Price
- BXGY: create rules like 'Buy Two Polos and Get a Free Tee' or any variation
- Discount on spend: apply discounts based on the value of products in the cart
- Discount on cart total: apply discounts based on the overall cart total
Additionally, you can apply fees or discounts to specific payment gateways, if you wish.
How does bulk pricing work?
Bulk pricing allows you to offer discounts based on the quantity of products purchased by the customer.
You could offer a simple discount like this:
- Buy 10 or more and get a 5% discount
Or you can layer it to create more and more attractive discounts depending on the quantities:
- Buy 10 or more and get a 5% discount
- Buy 20 or more and get a 10% discount
- Buy 50 or more and get a 20% discount
WooCommerce Fees and Discounts makes it easy to create bulk pricing rules:
- Create as many pricing tiers as you like
- Apply bulk discounts to specific products, products in specified categories, or all products
- Create different bulk pricing rules for different products
Display pricing tiers in a table
WooCommerce Fees and Discounts lets you display a product's pricing tiers in an easy to read table - so your customers can see exactly what they'd pay depending on the quantity of product they select.
How does BOGO work?
WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules allows you to create discounts and fees for products based on simple rules that you set up. For example, 'Buy One Get One Free' or 'Buy Two of X and Get 1 of Y Half Price'.
Offers can apply to:
- All items in the cart
- Specific products
- Products in specific categories
Furthermore, you can specify how many products the customer needs to purchase in order to qualify for the offer, and you can specify how many products they receive at the adjusted rate. You can also specify how the discount (or additional fee) is calculated, either a fixed fee or a percentage.
So you can do all kinds of deals, e.g.:
- Buy one get one free
- Buy two get one free
- Buy three get two half price
- Buy four get one at 10% off
And so on. There's no limit to how you want to structure the pricing rules.
You can also specify that the customer needs to buy items from a certain group of products in order to receive items from a second group of products. This means you can do promotions like:
- Buy two laptops and get a free printer
- Buy three cushions and get a rug half price
- Buy three t-shirts and get the next one at 10% off
You can also add extra text to product pricing labels on the front end to advertise your promotions.
Rules are simple to set up. They take a matter of seconds to set up.
Can I automatically add items to the cart?
Yes, you can use the 'Buy X Get X' rule type to create 'Buy One Get One Free' style offers. If you wish, you can set these so that the free or discounted item(s) will be automatically added to the cart when the user purchases the required number of items.
How does user role pricing work?
WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules is a user role pricing plugin. It allows you to sell your products at different prices depending on your customers' user roles.
- Set discounts or premiums for each user role globally
- Apply discounts or premiums for each user role by individual product
- Apply discounts or free per user role per variation
- Set discounts or premiums as a fixed amount or a percentage
- Create bulk pricing rules and dynamic pricing rules for specific user roles
- Exclude tax for specific user roles
Can I apply fees or discounts for different payment gateways?
Using Dynamic Pricing and Discount Rules, you can also incentivize customers to choose certain payment gateways or levy additional charges on other gateways.
Each payment gateway has its own settings, applied independently, including:
- Set a label to appear in the cart totals
- Choose whether to apply a fee or a discount
- Choose between a flat rate, fixed fee/discount or a percentage of the cart total
- Choose whether to include shipping costs as part of the cart total
- Specify a minimum cart total for the fee/discount to apply
- Specify a maximum cart total for the fee/discount to apply
- Specify a minimum fee/discount value (this is useful when your fee/discount is a percentage of the cart total, so you can set a minimum level for the fee or discount)
- Specify a maximum fee/discount value (also useful when your fee/discount is a percentage of the cart total, so you can limit the overall fee or discount)
- Select whether to apply tax to the fee
- Select which tax class to use
Can I run multiple discount rules at the same time?
Yes, you can create multiple discount rules based on different conditions, and they can run simultaneously. This allows you to have, for example, a quantity discount for one product and a role-based discount for another.
Can I apply discounts only to certain categories or products?
Yes, you can choose to apply discounts globally across your store, to specific categories, or to individual products, allowing for targeted promotions or storewide sales.
How do I stop discounts from overlapping or conflicting?
You can set priorities on rules, ensuring that customers receive the correct discount based on the conditions you set.
Can I schedule discounts?
Yes, you can set start and end times and dates for each discount rule. The rules will start and stop automatically depending on the times you've set.
How do I handle tax exemptions for specific user groups?
The plugin lets you exclude taxes for certain user roles, such as B2B and wholesale customers. You can define which roles are exempt, simplifying tax-free purchasing for eligible users.
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See how the plugin looks on the back and front ends. Click the images to enlarge them.
- Create different price tiers
- Restrict or enable shipping methods by user role
- Set restriction roles per product
- Override rules per category
- Allow users to select user role on registration
- Edit and create user roles
- Create role-based discount rules
- Create dynamic pricing rules
- Add fees or discounts by payment gateway
- Set role-based prices
- Set global role-based price adjustments