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  5. Repeatable fields and groups
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  3. WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate
  4. Repeatable fields and groups

Repeatable fields and groups

Product Add-Ons Ultimate allows to create ‘repeatable’ groups – which means the user can create multiple versions of the same group and fields and enter different information in each version.

This is ideal if you need to take multiple sets of similar information – for example, if a user is buying tickets through your site, you might want to take the name of each ticket-holder.

Add-Ons Ultimate allows you to enable groups as ‘repeatable’. When the user replicates a group, all the fields inside will also be replicated.

What field types are supported?

Please note that only certain field types are supported within repeatable groups: text, number and select fields.

Creating a repeatable group

To make a group repeatable, just enable the ‘Repeatable’ option in the group settings.

If you like, you can set a maximum number of iterations of the group. Just enter a value in ‘Repeat Limit’ to define the maximum number of times that a group can be repeated. You can enter ‘0’ in this field if the group can be repeated an unlimited number of times.

Product Add-Ons repeater field setting

Linking group repetitions to product quantity

If you prefer, you can automatically duplicate a group every time the product is increased. This means that the number of groups will be linked to the quantity being ordered.

So, if the user is buying 4 tickets, you can ensure that there are four groups asking for details on each of the ticket holders.

To link the number of groups to the quantity, just enable the ‘Attach to Quantity’ setting.

Link repeatable fields to quantity

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