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  5. Filter new user registration email content

Filter new user registration email content

Use this wcmo_new_registration_email_content to filter the content of the email sent to the site admin when a user needs to be approved.

* Filter the content of the new user registration email
* @param $message The email content
* @param $user The user object
* @param $blogname The name of the site
* @param $url The url for the user profile
function prefix_new_registration_email_content( $message, $user, $blogname, $url ) {
$message = sprintf(
'My new message goes here'
// Use the parameters to include extra information
$message = sprintf(
'<p>%s: <a href="%s">%s</a></p>',
'Follow the link to review the user',
'Click here'
return $message;
add_filter( 'wcmo_new_registration_email_content', 'prefix_new_registration_email_content', 10, 4 );

Here’s how to add a snippet.

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