You can enable and add extra registration fields in the WooCommerce registration form for new users.
These fields include all the standard WooCommerce billing and shipping fields. You can also add a field for a company’s VAT number. Plus, you can add your own custom fields.
Adding extra fields
To add new fields:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Members Only > Registration
- Check the fields that you’d like to enable for the registration form by checking the ‘Enabled’ field next to the field name
- Select which fields the users will be required to complete by checking the ‘Required’ box
- Use the ‘Email’ field to specify which field values should be included in the new registration email to the admin
- Check the ‘Profile’ to add the field value to the user’s profile metadata
- Use the ‘Priority’ field to determine the order in which fields appear on the registration form. Fields with lower priorities appear first
- Add an optional description to the ‘Description’ field. This will appear on the registration form

Adding custom fields
To add a custom field:

- Enter the field name in the ‘Label’ field
- Choose the field type from the ‘Type’ dropdown
- Specify whether the field should be enabled, required, added to the registration email, added to the user’s profile by selecting the various options
- Enter a priority
- Enter a description
- Click ‘Add Field’ to add the field to the registration form
Enable a ‘User Role’ select field
You can display a select field in the registration form to allow the user to choose their user role:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Members Only > Registration
- Check the ‘Enable Roles Field’ option
- In the ‘Registration Roles’ list, check the fields that you would like to display as options in the registration form
- If you are using the user approval feature, you can specify which roles will need to be approved and which roles will automatically get registered by selecting them in the ‘Needs Approval’ column

There’s a detailed tutorial on adding custom fields to the registration form here.