Cookie Consent

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Cookie Consent is now managed by the good people at Termly. Please contact them for any questions you have.

Cookie Consent is one of the simplest and most popular cookie notification plugins out there. It’s been actively developed and supported since 2012 and is rated 4.8 / 5 by WordPress users with over 200,000 active installations.

You can download the plugin from the repository here.


Any support questions, please post them to the forum.


You can see the plugin in action here.


One of the most popular aspects of the plugin is its simplicity of use. The new version is no different – simply install and activate the plugin to automatically add the cookie consent notification bar without any need to configure it. On activation, the plugin creates and populates a page on your site with information about your cookie policy and automatically links to the page from the notification bar. So if you’re using the default settings, it’s a matter of seconds to get up and running.

New Features

We’ve extended the options with the plugin and in version 2.0, we’ve added many new features, including:

  • Choice of dismissal method – either on click by the user or timed or on scroll
  • Choice of dismissal element – either button or ‘x’ close
  • Option to show the notification on the first page only – subsequent pages visited by the user will not display the message
  • Option to hide the notification on selected pages and posts
  • Choice of position – either top or bottom bar, or floating in one of the corners of the screen
  • Better translation support – officially WPML compatible
  • Better responsive support
  • More customization options – including the ability to update styles from within the customizer
  • Inherits your theme styles where possible
  • The option to use an absolute or external URL to link to for further information
  • Set the cookie duration
  • Set the cookie version – updating a version will reset the cookie on all user sites


Settings can be found at Settings > Cookie Consent:



Determine how the user can dismiss the notification – either by clicking, scrolling or automatically after a set time

First Page Only

Only display the notification on the first page the user visits

Selectively Exclude Pages

Check this option to enable a metafield on all pages and posts. Selecting the metafield will hide the notification on that page or post.

Notification Duration

If you have set ‘Close’ to ‘Timed’ you can specify how many seconds the notification will display before automatically closing

Cookie Expiry

Set how many days the cookie should be valid for

Cookie Version

Set a version number for the cookie. Updating the version will reset the cookie for every user – this can be useful if you update terms


Heading Text

If you are using the floating corner notification style, you can add a heading.

Notification Text

This first part of the notification message

More Info Text

This forms the anchor text when linking to a page for further information

More Info Page

Select a page from your site

More Info URL

Add an absolute URL to a page on your site or on an external site. This will override the More Info Page setting

More Info Target

Whether to open the page in the same tab or a new tab

Accept Text

If you have a button to dismiss the notification, this is the button text


You can update these settings here or live in the Customizer.


Where to display the notification

Container Class

Optional class to add to the notification

Include Stylesheet

Deselect this if you are using your own styles

Rounded Corners

Round the corners on the block-style notification only

Drop Shadow

Only on the block-style notification

Use X Close

Hide the close button and use a simple ‘x’ icon instead

Text Color

The color for the text in the notification. By default will inherit from the theme

Background Color

The notification background color

Link Color

The link color. By default will inherit from the theme

Button Color

The text color for the button. By default will inherit from the theme

Button Background

The background color for the button. By default will inherit from the theme

We think this is the simplest but most effective method of dealing with the legislation – a straightforward approach to help you comply with the EU directive regarding usage of website cookies. It follows the notion of “implied consent” and makes the assumption that most users who choose not to accept cookies will do so for all websites. A user to your site is presented with a clear yet unobtrusive notification that the site is using cookies and may then acknowledge and dismiss the notification or click to find out more. The plug-in automatically creates a new page with pre-populated information on cookies and how to disable them, which you may edit further if you wish.

Importantly, the plug-in does not disable cookies on your site or prevent the user from continuing to browse the site. Several plug-ins have adopted the “explicit consent” approach which obliges users to opt in to cookies on your site. This is likely to deter visitors.


  1. User image

    Is it possible to make exceptions? I’d like to have a few pages without showing the cookie consent.
    Can that be done?

  2. User image

    Hi, is there any documentation on how this works with WPML and how to save different translations to be displayed for different language sites? Thanks

  3. User image

    Hi, can you point me to documentation about WPML and how to include different translations? Currently, if I change the cookie text in the English version, then select say Russian in WPML and then change the cookie text again, then I will have the Russian cookie text both on English pages AND Russian pages. How can I enter translations to be displayed ONLY for the right language?? (sorry, I forgot to include my email earlier) Thanks

    • User image

      Found the answer myself:
      “Do you have the ‘Add a country-specific CSS class to the Tag’ checkbox selected in Settings > GeoIP Detection?”

  4. User image

    Could you add the ability to change the colour of the “X” – as it stays black, which obviously doesn’t show well on dark colours – thanks!

  5. User image

    Hi, is it possible to make it smaller? I have the bottom position active and i vant it to be like 3 or 4 px more than the text.

  6. User image

    After configuring the plugin for one language, then I switch to another language and the More Info Page disappears and the More Info Text and Accept Text don’t change to the new language.

  7. User image

    I can provide the Spanish translation for the default string:

    EN: This site uses cookies to improve your experience. Read more.
    ES: Este sitio utiliza cookies para mejorar tu experiencia. Leer más.

  8. User image

    Can you please tell me the name of the cookie that this plugin uses? I have carried out a cookie audit of my site and the only likely one seems to be called catAccCookies. Is this correct?

  9. User image

    Hi there!
    Is this plugin compatible with the Astra theme? I can set everything in the settings, but I’m having difficulties in the wp customizer. Most of the time it doesn’t show the notification bar at all.
    Thanks in advance!

  10. User image


    Is there a minify version of the javascript?

    Google Speed Insights says it could be optimised:

    If you reduce https://www./…ets/js/uk-cookie-consent-js.js?ver=2.3.0, it would mean a saving of 119 B (18% reduction) after compression .

    • User image

      Yes same thing I need.
      I changed in code it worked but when I update the plugin need to work again.
      So please anyone can help?

    • User image

      I also need it.

      I tried with this
      $notification_text = wp_kses_post ( do_shortcode( $ctcc_content_settings[‘notification_text’] ) );
      $notification_text = wp_kses_post ( do_shortcode( htmlspecialchars_decode($ctcc_content_settings[‘notification_text’]) ) );
      it worked but when plugin is updated, it will go and need to re code it again.

      also I tried with updated code for 2nd row, updating code both in admin and public page, but same after plugin is updated it will be gone.


  11. User image

    Does cookie consent only set a cookie to remember the state of visitor acceptance to the use of cookies? what’s the name of this cookie?

  12. User image

    on adding “class”, need to ask something
    on page class-cctc-public.php
    $content = ”;
    on this, from where the class are added?

    also for “Notification Text” on Content settings,
    can we add html tags? as some time may need to add text size variation, like 2row line text with one larger and another small size text. This may help a lot.


  13. User image

    “The plug-in automatically creates a new page with pre-populated information on cookies and how to disable them, which you may edit further if you wish.”

    I don’t see that option, Only the option to accept the cookies.

  14. User image

    Hi! Thanks so much for the plugin!
    I was wondering if I wanted to edit the CSS (especially the font used), in which css file is the CSS class that I need to edit? I can’t find it. Or should I define what I want and point the plugin to this class? Thanks!

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