Better Widgets Pack
The Better Widgets Pack extends your site’s functionality with these six additional widgets. They either offer new functionality or build on existing widgets.
Author Profile
This widget will only display on a post and will feature the post author name, gravatar and bio.
Image Text Banner
Create a banner with background image, text overlays, and optional button. Enter a heading, choose a heading style, choose an optional subheading and style, create a button with URL, and upload your image. This widget works well for banner images, like ads, in the sidebar as well as in full-width widget areas.
MailChimp Form
Add a subscription form to your sidebar or footer – a super effective way to build a mailing list.
To obtain the form action URL for the MailChimp Form:
- Go to your MailChimp account
- Click Lists then select the list you want to use
- From the dropdown menu, select ‘Signup forms’
- Find ‘Embedded forms’ then click ‘Select’
- Click the ‘Naked’ tab
- Select the ‘Copy/paste onto your site’ area
- Paste the contents of this area into Notepad or similar text editor
- Select the URL in the form action
- Insert this into the Form Action field in the widget
Recent Comments with Gravatars
This displays comment authors’ gravatars next to an excerpt of their comment. You can select how many of the most recent comments to display, how many words to truncate the excerpts to, and select a style for the gravatar.
Recent Posts Horizontal
This widget is intended specifically for full-width widget areas. It will lay out the specified number of recent posts in a grid, according to the number of columns you select, across the full width of the page.
Recent Posts Thumbnails
This recent posts widget works better in the sidebar. It adds the thumbnail to the standard recent posts widget.
Shortcode Widget
Extend your widget possibilities by adding shortcode capabilities. This widget runs the standard text widget through the shortcode parser, allowing you to embed any content via shortcode.