Before you go…
It looks like you’ve decided to cancel your subscription to one of my plugins. But before you go, please consider the following:
- An active subscription gives you ongoing access to support and updates for the plugin
- Updates include new features, bug fixes and future compatibility with WooCommerce and WordPress
- Regular updates are important for keeping your site safe and secure
Please take a look at the changelog below which shows how frequently this plugin is updated and the number of fixes, updates and new features involved:
Please check the plugins within the bundle for individual changelogs
Avoid yearly fees
If you’re cancelling because you don’t like the idea of a yearly fee, have you considered upgrading to a lifetime licence?
A lifetime licence is a one-off charge that entitles you to updates and support and will never expire. If you upgrade now, you’ll only pay the difference between your yearly licence and the cost of the lifetime version.
Do you need more support?
If you need help with the plugin, please take a look at the Documentation or drop me a line from the Support page. I’m happy to help.