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  6. Trigger action when order is processed

Trigger action when order is processed

If you would like to trigger an action, e.g. sending a custom email, depending on the value of a specific field, you can do something like this:

* Trigger an action when an add-on field is present in an order
* Note that you will need to change the values for $field_id and $value below
function prefix_pewc_after_create_product_extra( $add_on_id, $order, $field ) {
$field_id = 1234;
$value = '__checked__';
// Check specific field ID is checked
if( $field['field_id'] == $field_id && $field['value'] == $value ) {
// Do our action here
add_action( 'pewc_after_create_product_extra', 'prefix_pewc_after_create_product_extra', 10, 3 );
* Send an email when an add-on field is present in an order
* You'll need to change the values for $to, $subject and $content below
function prefix_send_custom_email() {
$to = 'you@youremail.com';
$subject = 'Your Subject Line';
$content = 'Add your content here.';
wc_get_template( 'emails/email-header.php', array( 'email_heading' => $subject ) );
$email = ob_get_clean();
$email .= $content;
wc_get_template( 'emails/email-footer.php' );
$email .= ob_get_clean();
wc_mail( $to, $subject, $email );

The code above checks each field in an order for a specific ID and a specific value. In this example, the field ID is 1234, the field type is a checkbox, so we’re checking for ‘__checked__’ as the field value. You can modify this as you wish.

In the second function, you’ll need to update the values for $to, $subject and $content depending on who you want to email and what you want to say.

Here’s how to add the snippet.

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