Product Add-Ons Ultimate is designed to work with any theme. It tries to inherit as many styles as possible from the theme – so elements like input fields, select boxes, etc will match the main theme styles.
Having said that, it’s not always possible to predict what a theme author will do with their theme. Not everyone follows best practice or keeps their theme up to date.
Common issues with Add-Ons Ultimate and theme compatibility are normally related to:
- AJAX add to cart buttons on product pages: often theme authors will have a nice AJAX add to cart button that doesn’t require a page load when the customer clicks it. This is fine – provided the author has included the required WooCommerce hooks and filters
- Correct implementation of WooCommerce hooks: Add-Ons Ultimate uses the woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button filter to display its fields. Sometimes, for unknown reasons, a theme author will create a new WooCommerce template that misses out this hook.
If you’ve got any questions about your theme, please let me know and I will take a look. In almost all cases, your theme will be compatible and if it’s not, we can work out how to make it compatible.