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  4. Actions and Filters for Add-Ons Ultimate
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  4. Actions and Filters for Add-Ons Ultimate

Actions and Filters for Add-Ons Ultimate

Add-Ons Ultimate has hooks for most things. If you need something added, just let us know.

Here’s a list of the current actions and filters available in the plugin.

Hook: pewc_bypass_extra_fields_transient
Type: Filter
Args: $bypass
Description: Force recheck if the product has extra fields then reset the transient on archive pages.
Where: inc/functions-archive.php

Hook: pewc_add_to_cart_button_class
Type: Filter
Args: $class, $product
Description: Filter the classes added to the “Add to Cart” button on archive pages when a product has extra fields.
Where: inc/functions-archive.php

Hook: pewc_filter_view_product_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text, $product
Description: Customize the text that appears on the “Select options” button for products in loops.
Where: inc/functions-archive.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_look_up_tables
Type: Filter
Args: $tables
Description: Filter the lookup tables used in calculations.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_look_up_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $fields
Description: Filter the lookup fields used in calculations.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_global_calculation_vars
Type: Filter
Args: $vars
Description: Create additional variables for calculation fields.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_look_up_table_null_signifier
Type: Filter
Args: $text
Description: Filter the null signifier used in lookup tables.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_enable_calc_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Enable calculation in the cart when the quantity is updated
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_price_with_extras_before_calc_totals
Type: Filter
Args: $new_price, $cart_item
Description: Set the price to include extras
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_flat_rate_cart_global_label
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_label, $item
Description: Filter the global flat rate label.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_allow_flat_rate_cart_label_variations
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $item
Description: Filter whether to include variations in flat rate cart fee labels.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_flat_rate_cart_label
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_label, $item
Description: Filter the label for flat rate cart fees.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_label
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_label, $id, $flat_rate
Description: Filter the label when adding a flat rate fee.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_fee
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_price, $id, $flat_rate
Description: Filter the price when adding a flat rate fee.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_fee_is_taxable
Type: Filter
Args: $taxable, $id
Description: Filter whether a flat rate fee is taxable.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_fee_tax_class
Type: Filter
Args: $tax_class, $id
Description: Filter the tax class for a flat rate fee.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_minimum_price_error_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $product_id
Description: Minimum price notice
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_force_minimum_price_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $product_id
Description: Force minimum price notice
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_start_list
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $group, $group_id, $product_id
Description: Filter the fields before getting added to a product
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_item_data_price
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id
Description: Filter the cart item data price.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_add_cart_item_data_price
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the price of the product extra.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_end_add_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id, $value
Description: Filter the cart item data after product extras are added.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_not_visible_unset_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data, $group_id, $field_id
Description: Filter cart_item_data if the field isn’t visible
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_maybe_adjust_tax_price_with_extras
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Used in totals to put back the original product price
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_cart_item_value_child_products
Type: Filter
Args: $value, $item
Description: Filter the cart item value for child products.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_end_add_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id, $value
Description: Filter cart item data
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_add_cart_item_data_upload_file
Type: Filter
Args: $upload_file, $file, $id, $i, $post
Description: Filter the uploaded file when adding cart item data.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_disable_esc_url_uploaded_file
Type: Filter
Args: $disable, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter whether to disable esc_url for uploaded files.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_price_for_uploads
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id
Description: Filter the price for uploads in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_maybe_adjust_tax_price_with_extras
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Adjust cart item price for totals.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $files, $item, $group_id, $field_id, $uploads
Description: Filter uploaded files in cart item data.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_after_add_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data
Description: Filter the cart item data after adding extras.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for a required field.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for a minimum number of characters.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for a maximum number of characters.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minchecks_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for the minimum items to select
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxchecks_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for the maximum items to select
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_only_validate_number_field_value_if_field_required
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $product_id, $item
Description: Filter whether to only validate number field value if the field is required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for the minimum value.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for the maximum value.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_color_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for a color field invalid hex code value.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_file_size_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for a file upload when the file size is too large.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_file_not_valid_message
Type: Filter
Args: $file_not_valid_message
Description: Filter the message for an invalid file.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_exact_children_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $min_products
Description: Filter the message when user did not select the exact number of items required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_min_children_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $min_products
Description: Filter the message when user did not select the minimum number of items required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_max_children_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $max_products
Description: Filter the message when user did not select the maximum number of items required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_independent_select_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for select field to ensure that a quantity is entered.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_validate_child_products_stock
Type: Filter
Args: $validate, $item
Description: Check for out of stock child products
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_child_products_stock_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $item
Description: Filter notice for out of stock items not added to cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_validate_cart_item_status
Type: Filter
Args: $passed, $post, $item
Description: Filter the status of validating the cart item.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_hidden_field_types_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $field_types
Description: Filter the hidden field types in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_display_child_product_meta
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $item
Description: Link parent products with children in cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_field_prices_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $item
Description: Filter whether to show field prices in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_cost_text
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_cost_text, $item
Description: Filter the text for the flat rate cost label in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_item_price
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $item
Description: Filter the cart item price.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_link_only_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Allow users to only display a link to the uploaded file, e.g. if the uploaded image is too large.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_force_always_display_thumbs
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Add a thumb for image files in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_get_item_data_after_file
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $file
Description: Filter the item data after file attachment.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_value_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $item_value, $item
Description: Filter the item value display in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_original_price_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $show
Description: Optionally show the original product price in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_original_price_text
Type: Filter
Args: $original_price_text
Description: Filter the original price label text in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_end_get_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $other_data, $cart_item, $groups
Description: Filter the item data displayed in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_after_cart_item_edit_options
Type: Filter
Args: $edit_options
Description: Filter the edit options link.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_after_cart_item_edit_options_text
Type: Filter
Args: $edit_options_text, $product_id
Description: Filter the text for the edit options link.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_indent_markup
Type: Filter
Args: $child_product_name_markup
Description: Indent child product names in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_option_prices_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $item
Description: Filter whether to show option prices in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_display_group_titles_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $show, $group_id
Description: Filter whether to display group titles in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_end_add_cart_item_data
Type: Action
Args: $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id
Description: After each field is added to cart item
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_cart_item_data_after_groups
Type: Action
Args: $cart_item_data, $product_extra_groups
Description: After groups and fields are added to cart item
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_conditional_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $fields
Description: Get all the product extra fields for a product or group

Hook: pewc_field_condition_field
Type: Filter
Args: $field, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the field used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_field_condition_rule
Type: Filter
Args: $rule, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the rule used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_field_condition_value
Type: Filter
Args: $value, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the value used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_field_condition_key
Type: Filter
Args: $key, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the key used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_conditions_timer
Type: Filter
Args: $milliseconds
Description: Optimise conditions.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_get_conditional_field_visibility
Type: Filter
Args: $is_visible, $id, $item, $items, $product_id, $variation_id, $cart_item_data, $group_id, $group
Description: Filter the visibility of a conditional field.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_filter_date_field_params
Type: Filter
Args: $params, $item
Description: Filter the parameters of a date field.
Where: inc/functions-date.php

Hook: pewc_global_rules
Type: Filter
Args: $rules
Description: Get the list of possible rules.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_bypass_is_admin_check_in_groups_filter
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Ensure that plugins like WC Product Table Pro can access global groups.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_global_group_order
Type: Filter
Args: $global_order
Description: Filter the order of global groups.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_get_all_product_ids_limit
Type: Filter
Args: $limit
Description: Get a list of all product IDs limit.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_get_all_product_ids_status
Type: Filter
Args: $status
Description: Get a list of all product IDs from status.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_global_categories_taxonomy
Type: Filter
Args: $taxonomy, $group_key, $group, $rule
Description: Taxonomy to use for the show categories rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_global_categories
Type: Filter
Args: $terms, $group_key, $group
Description: Terms for the show categories rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_after_verify_all_products
Type: Filter
Args: $verified, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter after verifying all products for a global rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_after_pewc_verify_products_rule
Type: Filter
Args: $verified, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter after verifying products for a “pewc_verify_products” global rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_permitted_cats
Type: Filter
Args: $global_rules_categories, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter the permitted categories for a product.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_after_pewc_verify_categories_rule
Type: Filter
Args: $verified, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter after verifying categories for a “pewc_verify_categories” global rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_product_extra_groups
Type: Filter
Args: $product_extra_groups, $post_id
Description: Filter product extra groups.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_before_update_field_all_params
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $field_id
Description: Filter the item parameters before updating the field.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_item_object
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $field_id
Description: Filter the item object.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_item_params
Type: Filter
Args: $params, $field_id
Description: Filter the item parameters.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_get_group_title
Type: Filter
Args: $group_title, $group_id, $has_migrated
Description: Filter the group title.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_get_group_description
Type: Filter
Args: $group_description, $group_id, $has_migrated
Description: Filter the group description.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_get_group_layout
Type: Filter
Args: $group_layout, $group_id
Description: Filter the group layout.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_all_conditions_by_field_id
Type: Filter
Args: $field_conditions, $groups, $product_id
Description: Filter all conditions by field ID.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_look_up_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $lookup_fields
Description: Filter the calculation lookup fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_enable_groups_as_post_types
Type: Filter
Args: $display
Description: Filter whether to enable groups as post types.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_enable_fields_as_post_types
Type: Filter
Args: None
Description: Filter whether to enable fields as post types.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_text_field_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $item
Description: Filter attributes for text fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_color_picker_field_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $item
Description: Filter attributes for color picker fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_products_for_cats_limit
Type: Filter
Args: $limit
Description: Filter the limit for products within categories.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_adjust_tax
Type: Filter
Args: $adjust
Description: Filter tax adjustments.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_calculated_cost_before_calculate_totals
Type: Filter
Args: $new_price, $cart_item, $cart_key
Description: Filter the calculated cost before calculating totals.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_ignore_tax_adjustments
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $cart_item
Description: Filter whether to ignore tax adjustments for a cart item.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_enable_dropzonejs
Type: Filter
Args: $enable_js
Description: Filter whether to enable DropzoneJS.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_max_upload
Type: Filter
Args: $pewc_max_upload
Description: Filter the maximum upload size.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_user_can_edit_products
Type: Filter
Args: $can_edit
Description: Filter whether a user can edit products.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_image_swatch_thumbnail_size
Type: Filter
Args: $size, $item
Description: Filter the image swatch thumbnail size.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_reset_hidden_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $reset, $post_id
Description: Filter whether to reset hidden fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_duplicate_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $arg
Description: Filter whether to duplicate fields.
Where: inc/functions-integrations.php

Hook: pewc_wcmmqo_disable_validate_child_products
Type: Filter
Args: $disable
Description: Filter whether to disable validation for child products in WCMMQO integration.
Where: inc/functions-integrations.php

Hook: pewc_filter_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a required field.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_minval
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a minimum value requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_maxval
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a maximum value requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_minchars, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a minimum character requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_maxchars, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a maximum character requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_number_teaser_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $number
Description: Filter the number of teaser fields to display in the lightbox.
Where: inc/functions-lightbox.php

Hook: pewc_number_teaser_options
Type: Filter
Args: $number
Description: Filter the number of teaser options to display in the lightbox.
Where: inc/functions-lightbox.php

Hook: pewc_show_all_fields_in_lightbox
Type: Filter
Args: $show_all
Description: Filter whether to show all fields in the lightbox.
Where: inc/functions-lightbox.php

Hook: pewc_filter_get_upload_dir
Type: Filter
Args: $path
Description: Filter the upload directory path for media files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_get_upload_url
Type: Filter
Args: $url
Description: Filter the upload URL for media files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_overwrite_htaccess_file
Type: Filter
Args: None
Description: Control whether the htaccess file should be overwritten.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_protected_directory_allowed_filetypes
Type: Filter
Args: $restricted_filetypes
Description: Filter the list of allowed filetypes for protected directories.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_file_not_valid_message
Type: Filter
Args: $message
Description: Filter the error message for invalid files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_permitted_mimes
Type: Filter
Args: $permitted_mimes
Description: Filter the list of permitted MIME types.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_image_mimes
Type: Filter
Args: $image_mimes
Description: Filter the list of allowed image MIME types.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_after_ajax_upload
Type: Filter
Args: $uploaded_files, $post
Description: Modify uploaded files after an AJAX upload.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_upload_success_message
Type: Filter
Args: $message
Description: Filter the success message for uploads.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_upload_failed_message
Type: Filter
Args: $message
Description: Filter the error message for failed uploads.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_dz_tpl_td
Type: Action
Args: None
Description: Perform an action in the Dropzone template table cell.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_uploaded_file_date_format
Type: Filter
Args: $format
Description: Filter the date format for uploaded files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_has_migrated
Type: Filter
Args: $has_migrated
Description: Filter whether the product extras have been migrated.
Where: inc/functions-migration.php

Hook: pewc_display_child_product_meta
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $item
Description: Filter whether to display child product meta data in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_hidden_group_types_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $hidden_group_types
Description: Filter the types of product extra groups to hide in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_show_field_prices_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $show
Description: Filter whether to show field prices in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_value_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $value, $field
Description: Filter the value of an item displayed in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_uploaded_file_display_name
Type: Filter
Args: $display_name, $file, $field
Description: Filter the display name of an uploaded file in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_remove_thumbs_in_order_page
Type: Filter
Args: $remove
Description: Filter whether to remove thumbnails from uploaded files in the order page.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_remove_thumbs_in_emails
Type: Filter
Args: $remove
Description: Filter whether to remove thumbnails from uploaded files in emails.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_get_item_data_after_file
Type: Filter
Args: $display_name, $file
Description: Filter the display name of an item data after an uploaded file.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_item_upload_other_data
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $field, $item
Description: Filter other uploaded data displayed in the order item.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_show_original_price_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $show
Description: Filter whether to show the original price in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_original_price_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text
Description: Filter the text for the original price label in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_indent_markup
Type: Filter
Args: $markup
Description: Filter the HTML markup for indentation in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_number
Type: Filter
Args: $order_id, $order
Description: Filter the order number displayed in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_upload_dir
Type: Filter
Args: $order_upload_dir, $field
Description: Filter the upload directory for an order.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_upload_url
Type: Filter
Args: $order_upload_url, $field
Description: Filter the upload URL for an order.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_uploaded_file_display_name
Type: Filter
Args: $display_name, $file
Description: Filter the display name of an uploaded file in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_use_field_id_order_item_meta_label
Type: Filter
Args: $use_field_id, $field, $item
Description: Filter whether to use the field ID as the order item meta label.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_apply_underscore_metakey
Type: Filter
Args: $apply_underscore, $field, $item
Description: Filter whether to apply underscores to the metakey for an order item.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_field_label_item_meta_data
Type: Filter
Args: $field_label, $field, $item
Description: Filter the label for the field in the order item meta data.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_indent_child_product
Type: Filter
Args: $indent
Description: Filter whether to indent child products in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_preset_style
Type: Filter
Args: $style
Description: Filter the preset style.
Where: inc/functions-preset-styles.php

Hook: pewc_previous_step_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text, $group_id
Description: Filter the text for the “Previous” button in the product extra group.
Where: inc/functions-pro-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_next_step_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text, $group_id
Description: Filter the text for the “Next” button in the product extra group.
Where: inc/functions-pro-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_group_display
Type: Filter
Args: $display
Description: Filter the display status of a product extra group.
Where: inc/functions-pro-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_add_on_product
Type: Action
Args: None
Description: This action is triggered when a product is treated as an add-on product.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_apply_random_hash_child_product
Type: Filter
Args: $apply
Description: Filter whether to apply a random hash to child products.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_multiply_child_product_quantities
Type: Filter
Args: $multiply, $cart_item
Description: Filter whether to multiply child product quantities.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_cart_item_extras_child_product
Type: Filter
Args: $product_extras, $cart_item_data
Description: Filter the product extras for child products in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_after_pewc_add_on_product
Type: Action
Args: $child_product_ids, $original_quantity, $product_id, $parent_product_hash, $cart_item_data
Description: This action is triggered after an add-on product is added to the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_do_not_remove_parents
Type: Filter
Args: $do_not_remove
Description: Filter whether to not remove parent products when linked products are removed from the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_always_show_cart_arrow
Type: Filter
Args: $always_show, $cart_item_key
Description: Filter whether to always show the cart arrow for a linked product.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_remove_linked_product
Type: Filter
Args: $arrow_right, $cart_item_key
Description: Filter the HTML for the cart remove linked product icon.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_quantity_linked_product
Type: Filter
Args: $quantity, $cart_item_key
Description: Filter the quantity of a linked product displayed in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_redirect_hidden_products
Type: Filter
Args: $redirect
Description: Filter the URL to redirect when hidden products are found in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_check_child_product_stock
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $child_product_id
Description: Filter whether to check child product stock before adding to cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_quickview_enabled
Type: Filter
Args: $quickview, $post
Description: Filter whether child product quickview is enabled.
Where: inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_title
Type: Filter
Args: $child_product_title, $child_product
Description: Filter the title of a child product for quickview.
Where: inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_close_quickview_icon
Type: Filter
Args: $text
Description: Filter the icon used to close the quickview.
Where: inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_add_product_extras
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to add product extras in the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_disable_routes
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to disable Pewc routes in the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_set_order_item
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to set an order item using the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_insert_shop_order_object
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to insert a shop order object using the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_bypass_extra_fields_transient
Type: Filter
Args: $bypass
Description: Force recheck if the product has extra fields then reset the transient on archive pages.
Where: inc/functions-archive.php

Hook: pewc_add_to_cart_button_class
Type: Filter
Args: $class, $product
Description: Filter the classes added to the “Add to Cart” button on archive pages when a product has extra fields.
Where: inc/functions-archive.php

Hook: pewc_filter_view_product_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text, $product
Description: Customize the text that appears on the “Select options” button for products in loops.
Where: inc/functions-archive.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_look_up_tables
Type: Filter
Args: $tables
Description: Filter the lookup tables used in calculations.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_look_up_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $fields
Description: Filter the lookup fields used in calculations.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_global_calculation_vars
Type: Filter
Args: $vars
Description: Create additional variables for calculation fields.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_look_up_table_null_signifier
Type: Filter
Args: $text
Description: Filter the null signifier used in lookup tables.
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_enable_calc_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Enable calculation in the cart when the quantity is updated
Where: inc/functions-calculations.php

Hook: pewc_price_with_extras_before_calc_totals
Type: Filter
Args: $new_price, $cart_item
Description: Set the price to include extras
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_flat_rate_cart_global_label
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_label, $item
Description: Filter the global flat rate label.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_allow_flat_rate_cart_label_variations
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $item
Description: Filter whether to include variations in flat rate cart fee labels.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_flat_rate_cart_label
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_label, $item
Description: Filter the label for flat rate cart fees.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_label
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_label, $id, $flat_rate
Description: Filter the label when adding a flat rate fee.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_fee
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_price, $id, $flat_rate
Description: Filter the price when adding a flat rate fee.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_fee_is_taxable
Type: Filter
Args: $taxable, $id
Description: Filter whether a flat rate fee is taxable.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_fee_tax_class
Type: Filter
Args: $tax_class, $id
Description: Filter the tax class for a flat rate fee.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_minimum_price_error_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $product_id
Description: Minimum price notice
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_force_minimum_price_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $product_id
Description: Force minimum price notice
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_start_list
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $group, $group_id, $product_id
Description: Filter the fields before getting added to a product
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_item_data_price
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id
Description: Filter the cart item data price.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_add_cart_item_data_price
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the price of the product extra.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_end_add_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id, $value
Description: Filter the cart item data after product extras are added.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_not_visible_unset_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data, $group_id, $field_id
Description: Filter cart_item_data if the field isn’t visible
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_maybe_adjust_tax_price_with_extras
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Used in totals to put back the original product price
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_cart_item_value_child_products
Type: Filter
Args: $value, $item
Description: Filter the cart item value for child products.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_end_add_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id, $value
Description: Filter cart item data
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_add_cart_item_data_upload_file
Type: Filter
Args: $upload_file, $file, $id, $i, $post
Description: Filter the uploaded file when adding cart item data.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_disable_esc_url_uploaded_file
Type: Filter
Args: $disable, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter whether to disable esc_url for uploaded files.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_price_for_uploads
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id
Description: Filter the price for uploads in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_maybe_adjust_tax_price_with_extras
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Adjust cart item price for totals.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $files, $item, $group_id, $field_id, $uploads
Description: Filter uploaded files in cart item data.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_after_add_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data
Description: Filter the cart item data after adding extras.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for a required field.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for a minimum number of characters.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for a maximum number of characters.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minchecks_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for the minimum items to select
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxchecks_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice for the maximum items to select
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_only_validate_number_field_value_if_field_required
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $product_id, $item
Description: Filter whether to only validate number field value if the field is required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for the minimum value.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for the maximum value.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_color_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for a color field invalid hex code value.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_file_size_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for a file upload when the file size is too large.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_file_not_valid_message
Type: Filter
Args: $file_not_valid_message
Description: Filter the message for an invalid file.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_exact_children_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $min_products
Description: Filter the message when user did not select the exact number of items required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_min_children_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $min_products
Description: Filter the message when user did not select the minimum number of items required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_max_children_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $max_products
Description: Filter the message when user did not select the maximum number of items required.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_independent_select_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice
Description: Filter the validation notice for select field to ensure that a quantity is entered.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_validate_child_products_stock
Type: Filter
Args: $validate, $item
Description: Check for out of stock child products
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_child_products_stock_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $item
Description: Filter notice for out of stock items not added to cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_validate_cart_item_status
Type: Filter
Args: $passed, $post, $item
Description: Filter the status of validating the cart item.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_hidden_field_types_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $field_types
Description: Filter the hidden field types in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_display_child_product_meta
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $item
Description: Link parent products with children in cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_field_prices_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $item
Description: Filter whether to show field prices in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_flat_rate_cost_text
Type: Filter
Args: $flat_rate_cost_text, $item
Description: Filter the text for the flat rate cost label in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_item_price
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $item
Description: Filter the cart item price.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_link_only_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Allow users to only display a link to the uploaded file, e.g. if the uploaded image is too large.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_force_always_display_thumbs
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Add a thumb for image files in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_get_item_data_after_file
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $file
Description: Filter the item data after file attachment.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_value_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $item_value, $item
Description: Filter the item value display in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_original_price_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $show
Description: Optionally show the original product price in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_original_price_text
Type: Filter
Args: $original_price_text
Description: Filter the original price label text in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_end_get_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $other_data, $cart_item, $groups
Description: Filter the item data displayed in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_after_cart_item_edit_options
Type: Filter
Args: $edit_options
Description: Filter the edit options link.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_after_cart_item_edit_options_text
Type: Filter
Args: $edit_options_text, $product_id
Description: Filter the text for the edit options link.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_indent_markup
Type: Filter
Args: $child_product_name_markup
Description: Indent child product names in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_show_option_prices_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $item
Description: Filter whether to show option prices in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_display_group_titles_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $show, $group_id
Description: Filter whether to display group titles in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_end_add_cart_item_data
Type: Action
Args: $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id
Description: After each field is added to cart item
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_cart_item_data_after_groups
Type: Action
Args: $cart_item_data, $product_extra_groups
Description: After groups and fields are added to cart item
Where: inc/functions-cart.php

Hook: pewc_conditional_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $fields
Description: Get all the product extra fields for a product or group
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_field_condition_field
Type: Filter
Args: $field, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the field used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_field_condition_rule
Type: Filter
Args: $rule, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the rule used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_field_condition_value
Type: Filter
Args: $value, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the value used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_field_condition_key
Type: Filter
Args: $key, $item, $product_id
Description: Filter the key used in a conditional rule.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_conditions_timer
Type: Filter
Args: $milliseconds
Description: Optimise conditions.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_get_conditional_field_visibility
Type: Filter
Args: $is_visible, $id, $item, $items, $product_id, $variation_id, $cart_item_data, $group_id, $group
Description: Filter the visibility of a conditional field.
Where: inc/functions-conditionals.php

Hook: pewc_filter_date_field_params
Type: Filter
Args: $params, $item
Description: Filter the parameters of a date field.
Where: inc/functions-date.php

Hook: pewc_global_rules
Type: Filter
Args: $rules
Description: Get the list of possible rules.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_bypass_is_admin_check_in_groups_filter
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Ensure that plugins like WC Product Table Pro can access global groups.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_global_group_order
Type: Filter
Args: $global_order
Description: Filter the order of global groups.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_get_all_product_ids_limit
Type: Filter
Args: $limit
Description: Get a list of all product IDs limit.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_get_all_product_ids_status
Type: Filter
Args: $status
Description: Get a list of all product IDs from status.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_global_categories_taxonomy
Type: Filter
Args: $taxonomy, $group_key, $group, $rule
Description: Taxonomy to use for the show categories rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_global_categories
Type: Filter
Args: $terms, $group_key, $group
Description: Terms for the show categories rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_after_verify_all_products
Type: Filter
Args: $verified, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter after verifying all products for a global rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_after_pewc_verify_products_rule
Type: Filter
Args: $verified, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter after verifying products for a “pewc_verify_products” global rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_permitted_cats
Type: Filter
Args: $global_rules_categories, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter the permitted categories for a product.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_after_pewc_verify_categories_rule
Type: Filter
Args: $verified, $product_id, $global, $rule
Description: Filter after verifying categories for a “pewc_verify_categories” global rule.
Where: inc/functions-global-extras.php

Hook: pewc_filter_product_extra_groups
Type: Filter
Args: $product_extra_groups, $post_id
Description: Filter product extra groups.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_before_update_field_all_params
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $field_id
Description: Filter the item parameters before updating the field.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_item_object
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $field_id
Description: Filter the item object.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_item_params
Type: Filter
Args: $params, $field_id
Description: Filter the item parameters.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_get_group_title
Type: Filter
Args: $group_title, $group_id, $has_migrated
Description: Filter the group title.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_get_group_description
Type: Filter
Args: $group_description, $group_id, $has_migrated
Description: Filter the group description.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_get_group_layout
Type: Filter
Args: $group_layout, $group_id
Description: Filter the group layout.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_all_conditions_by_field_id
Type: Filter
Args: $field_conditions, $groups, $product_id
Description: Filter all conditions by field ID.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_calculation_look_up_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $lookup_fields
Description: Filter the calculation lookup fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_enable_groups_as_post_types
Type: Filter
Args: $display
Description: Filter whether to enable groups as post types.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_enable_fields_as_post_types
Type: Filter
Args: None
Description: Filter whether to enable fields as post types.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_text_field_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $item
Description: Filter attributes for text fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_color_picker_field_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $item
Description: Filter attributes for color picker fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_products_for_cats_limit
Type: Filter
Args: $limit
Description: Filter the limit for products within categories.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_adjust_tax
Type: Filter
Args: $adjust
Description: Filter tax adjustments.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_calculated_cost_before_calculate_totals
Type: Filter
Args: $new_price, $cart_item, $cart_key
Description: Filter the calculated cost before calculating totals.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_ignore_tax_adjustments
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $cart_item
Description: Filter whether to ignore tax adjustments for a cart item.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_enable_dropzonejs
Type: Filter
Args: $enable_js
Description: Filter whether to enable DropzoneJS.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_filter_max_upload
Type: Filter
Args: $pewc_max_upload
Description: Filter the maximum upload size.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_user_can_edit_products
Type: Filter
Args: $can_edit
Description: Filter whether a user can edit products.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_image_swatch_thumbnail_size
Type: Filter
Args: $size, $item
Description: Filter the image swatch thumbnail size.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_reset_hidden_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $reset, $post_id
Description: Filter whether to reset hidden fields.
Where: inc/functions-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_duplicate_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $arg
Description: Filter whether to duplicate fields.
Where: inc/functions-integrations.php

Hook: pewc_wcmmqo_disable_validate_child_products
Type: Filter
Args: $disable
Description: Filter whether to disable validation for child products in WCMMQO integration.
Where: inc/functions-integrations.php

Hook: pewc_filter_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a required field.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_minval
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a minimum value requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxval_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_maxval
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a maximum value requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_minchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_minchars, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a minimum character requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_filter_maxchars_validation_notice
Type: Filter
Args: $notice, $label, $field_maxchars, $item
Description: Filter the validation notice displayed for a field with a maximum character requirement.
Where: inc/functions-js-validation.php

Hook: pewc_number_teaser_fields
Type: Filter
Args: $number
Description: Filter the number of teaser fields to display in the lightbox.
Where: inc/functions-lightbox.php

Hook: pewc_number_teaser_options
Type: Filter
Args: $number
Description: Filter the number of teaser options to display in the lightbox.
Where: inc/functions-lightbox.php

Hook: pewc_show_all_fields_in_lightbox
Type: Filter
Args: $show_all
Description: Filter whether to show all fields in the lightbox.
Where: inc/functions-lightbox.php

Hook: pewc_filter_get_upload_dir
Type: Filter
Args: $path
Description: Filter the upload directory path for media files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_get_upload_url
Type: Filter
Args: $url
Description: Filter the upload URL for media files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_overwrite_htaccess_file
Type: Filter
Args: None
Description: Control whether the htaccess file should be overwritten.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_protected_directory_allowed_filetypes
Type: Filter
Args: $restricted_filetypes
Description: Filter the list of allowed filetypes for protected directories.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_file_not_valid_message
Type: Filter
Args: $message
Description: Filter the error message for invalid files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_permitted_mimes
Type: Filter
Args: $permitted_mimes
Description: Filter the list of permitted MIME types.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_image_mimes
Type: Filter
Args: $image_mimes
Description: Filter the list of allowed image MIME types.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_after_ajax_upload
Type: Filter
Args: $uploaded_files, $post
Description: Modify uploaded files after an AJAX upload.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_upload_success_message
Type: Filter
Args: $message
Description: Filter the success message for uploads.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_upload_failed_message
Type: Filter
Args: $message
Description: Filter the error message for failed uploads.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_dz_tpl_td
Type: Action
Args: None
Description: Perform an action in the Dropzone template table cell.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_uploaded_file_date_format
Type: Filter
Args: $format
Description: Filter the date format for uploaded files.
Where: inc/functions-media.php

Hook: pewc_filter_has_migrated
Type: Filter
Args: $has_migrated
Description: Filter whether the product extras have been migrated.
Where: inc/functions-migration.php

Hook: pewc_display_child_product_meta
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $item
Description: Filter whether to display child product meta data in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_hidden_group_types_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $hidden_group_types
Description: Filter the types of product extra groups to hide in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_show_field_prices_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $show
Description: Filter whether to show field prices in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_value_in_cart
Type: Filter
Args: $value, $field
Description: Filter the value of an item displayed in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_uploaded_file_display_name
Type: Filter
Args: $display_name, $file, $field
Description: Filter the display name of an uploaded file in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_remove_thumbs_in_order_page
Type: Filter
Args: $remove
Description: Filter whether to remove thumbnails from uploaded files in the order page.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_remove_thumbs_in_emails
Type: Filter
Args: $remove
Description: Filter whether to remove thumbnails from uploaded files in emails.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_get_item_data_after_file
Type: Filter
Args: $display_name, $file
Description: Filter the display name of an item data after an uploaded file.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_item_upload_other_data
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $field, $item
Description: Filter other uploaded data displayed in the order item.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_show_original_price_in_order
Type: Filter
Args: $show
Description: Filter whether to show the original price in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_original_price_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text
Description: Filter the text for the original price label in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_indent_markup
Type: Filter
Args: $markup
Description: Filter the HTML markup for indentation in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_number
Type: Filter
Args: $order_id, $order
Description: Filter the order number displayed in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_upload_dir
Type: Filter
Args: $order_upload_dir, $field
Description: Filter the upload directory for an order.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_order_upload_url
Type: Filter
Args: $order_upload_url, $field
Description: Filter the upload URL for an order.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_uploaded_file_display_name
Type: Filter
Args: $display_name, $file
Description: Filter the display name of an uploaded file in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_use_field_id_order_item_meta_label
Type: Filter
Args: $use_field_id, $field, $item
Description: Filter whether to use the field ID as the order item meta label.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_apply_underscore_metakey
Type: Filter
Args: $apply_underscore, $field, $item
Description: Filter whether to apply underscores to the metakey for an order item.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_field_label_item_meta_data
Type: Filter
Args: $field_label, $field, $item
Description: Filter the label for the field in the order item meta data.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_indent_child_product
Type: Filter
Args: $indent
Description: Filter whether to indent child products in the order details.
Where: inc/functions-order.php

Hook: pewc_preset_style
Type: Filter
Args: $style
Description: Filter the preset style.
Where: inc/functions-preset-styles.php

Hook: pewc_previous_step_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text, $group_id
Description: Filter the text for the “Previous” button in the product extra group.
Where: inc/functions-pro-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_next_step_text
Type: Filter
Args: $text, $group_id
Description: Filter the text for the “Next” button in the product extra group.
Where: inc/functions-pro-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_group_display
Type: Filter
Args: $display
Description: Filter the display status of a product extra group.
Where: inc/functions-pro-helpers.php

Hook: pewc_add_on_product
Type: Action
Description: This action is triggered when a product is treated as an add-on product.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_apply_random_hash_child_product
Type: Filter
Args: $apply
Description: Filter whether to apply a random hash to child products.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_multiply_child_product_quantities
Type: Filter
Args: $multiply, $cart_item
Description: Filter whether to multiply child product quantities.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_cart_item_extras_child_product
Type: Filter
Args: $product_extras, $cart_item_data
Description: Filter the product extras for child products in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_after_pewc_add_on_product
Type: Action
Args: $child_product_ids, $original_quantity, $product_id, $parent_product_hash, $cart_item_data
Description: This action is triggered after an add-on product is added to the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_do_not_remove_parents
Type: Filter
Args: $do_not_remove
Description: Filter whether to not remove parent products when linked products are removed from the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_always_show_cart_arrow
Type: Filter
Args: $always_show, $cart_item_key
Description: Filter whether to always show the cart arrow for a linked product.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_remove_linked_product
Type: Filter
Args: $arrow_right, $cart_item_key
Description: Filter the HTML for the cart remove linked product icon.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_filter_cart_quantity_linked_product
Type: Filter
Args: $quantity, $cart_item_key
Description: Filter the quantity of a linked product displayed in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_redirect_hidden_products
Type: Filter
Args: $redirect
Description: Filter the URL to redirect when hidden products are found in the cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_check_child_product_stock
Type: Filter
Args: $enable, $child_product_id
Description: Filter whether to check child product stock before adding to cart.
Where: inc/functions-products.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_quickview_enabled
Type: Filter
Args: $quickview, $post
Description: Filter whether child product quickview is enabled.
Where: inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_title
Type: Filter
Args: $child_product_title, $child_product
Description: Filter the title of a child product for quickview.
Where: inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_close_quickview_icon
Type: Filter
Args: $text
Description: Filter the icon used to close the quickview.
Where: inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_add_product_extras
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to add product extras in the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_disable_routes
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to disable Pewc routes in the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_set_order_item
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to set an order item using the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_rest_api_insert_shop_order_object
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Filter whether to insert a shop order object using the REST API.
Where: inc/functions-rest-api.php

Hook: pewc_products_column_layout
Type: Action
Description: Enqueue scripts for products column layout.
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_check_did_action
Type: Filter
Description: You can use the filter to ensure that other themes, i.e. Divi, will display the fields at all
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_start_groups
Type: Action
Args: $post_id, $product_extra_groups
Description: Rendering product extra groups. 
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_group_wrapper_class
Type: Filter
Args: $group_id, $group, $post_id, $wrapper_classes
Description: This filter hook is used to modify or customize the CSS class names applied to the wrapper element of a product extra group. 
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_group_title
Type: Filter
Args: $group_id, $group, $group_title_html
Description: Customize the HTML markup for product extra group title. 
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_group_description
Type: Filter
Args: $group, $group_description_html
Description: Customize the HTML markup for product extra group description. 
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_group_layout
Type: Filter
Args: $group, $group_layout
Description: Customize the layout of a product extra group. 
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_start_list
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $group, $group_id, $post_id
Description: Iterate through each field. Each item represents a specific field within a group.
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $item
Description: This filter hook is used to modify the HTML attributes of a product extra field item
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_before_group_inner_tag_open
Type: Action
Args: $item
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_end_group_content_wrapper
Type: Action
Args: $group, $group_id, $display, $product_extra_groups
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_after_group_wrap
Type: Action
Args: $post_id, $product, $summary_panel
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_after_product_fields
Type: Action
Args: $post_id, $product, $summary_panel
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_before_include_frontend_template
Type: Action
Args: $item, $id, $group_layout, $file
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_after_include_frontend_template
Type: Action
Args: $item, $id, $group_layout, $file
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_after_field_template
Type: Action
Args: $item, $id, $group_layout
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_before_group_inner_tag_close
Type: Action
Args: $item, $group_layout
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_groups_wrapper_classes
Type: Filter
Args: $product_extra_groups, $post_id
Description: This filter hook is used to modify or customize the HTML classes applied to the wrapper element of the product extra groups.
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_groups_wrapper_classes
Type: Filter
Args: $groups_wrapper_classes, $product_extra_groups, $post_id
Description: This filter hook is used to modify or customize the HTML classes applied to the wrapper element of the product extra groups, specifically in the function pewc_get_groups_wrapper_classes().
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: woocommerce_product_get_price
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: woocommerce_product_variation_get_price
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_default_price
Type: Filter
Args: $default_price, $product
Description: Look for anything that might have changed the price
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_product_show_totals
Type: Filter
Args: $post_id, $show_totals
Description: This filter hook is used to modify whether to display product totals in a product extra group.
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_start_list
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $group, $group_id, $post_id
Description: Populate the products currently assigned to categories
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_single_product_classes
Type: Filter
Args: $classes, $item
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook:  pewc_get_field_price_before_maybe_include_tax
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $item, $product
Description: Filter the field price, e.g. for role-based pricing
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_field_price
Type: Filter
Args: $price, $item, $product
Description: Get the field price
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_get_option_price_before_maybe_include_tax
Type: Filter
Args: $option_price, $option_value, $product
Description: Get the option price
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_option_price
Type: Filter
Args: $option_price, $item, $product
Description: Filtered by pewc_get_multicurrency_price and pewc_aelia_cs_convert
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_cell_tag_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $item, $group_layout
Description: This filter hook is used to modify or customize the HTML attributes of a table cell (td or th) in a product extra group’s layout
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_field_label_tag
Type: Filter
Args: $item, $id, $group_layout
Description: Get the field label
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_display_price_for_percentages
Type: Filter
Args: $field_price, $product, $item
Description: Check if it’s a percentage
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_field_label_end
Type: Filter
Args: $label, $product, $item, $group_layout
Description: Get the field label
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_field_label
Type: Filter
Args: $label, $item, $id
Description: Get the field label
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_field_image
Type: Filter
Args: $image, $item, $id
Description: Return the markup for the field image, if present
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_max_file_size_message
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_permitted_file_types_message
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_description_as_placeholder
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_filter_field_description
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: woocommerce_get_price_html
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_get_add_on_image_action
Type: Filter
Args: $product_id
Description: Whether image replacement is enabled
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_default_field_value
Type: Filter
Args: $value, $id, $item, $posted
Description: Get the default value for our field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_option_price_separator
Type: Filter
Description: Get the separator between the add-on label and the add-on price
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: woocommerce_product_price_class
Type: Filter
Args:  $class
Description: Add an extra class to the main price display so we can adjust it
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_variation_name_variable_child_select
Type: Filter
Args: $name, $variant
Description: Remove SKUs from child variant names
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_field_formatted_price
Type: Filter
Args: $name, $item, $product, $price=false
Description: Add the tax suffix after all add-on prices
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_show_option_prices
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $item
Description: Check whether to display option prices on the product page
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_show_option_prices
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $item
Description: Check whether to display option prices on the product page
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_show_field_prices
Type: Filter
Args: $display, $item
Description: Check whether to display add-on field prices on the product page
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: woocommerce_add_to_cart_form_action
Type: Filter
Args: $url
Description: Adds the pewc_key to the form action URL so that if validation fails, the product page can detect that we’re still editing a product
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $child_product_id, $child_product, $item
Description: Get attributes for child product field wrapper
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-single-product.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_quickview_enabled
Type: Filter
Args: $quickview, $post
Description: Check if QuickView is enabled
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_title
Type: Filter
Args: $child_product, $child_product_id
Description: Add a link to the product title if QuickView is enabled
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_child_product_name
Type: Filter
Args: $name, $item, $available_stock, $child_product
Description: Add a link to the product title if QuickView is enabled
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_filter_single_product_classes
Type: Filter
Args: $classes, $item
Description: Add a class name
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_close_quickview_icon
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_close_quickview_icon
Type: Filter
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-quickview.php

Hook: pewc_filter_has_migrated
Type: Filter
Args: $has_migrated
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-migration.php

Hook: pewc_filter_has_migrated
Type: Filter
Args: $has_migrated
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-migration.php

Hook: pewc_enable_summary_panel
Type: Filter
Args: $enable
Description: Enable summary panel
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-summary-panel.php

Hook: pewc_after_group_wrap
Type: Action
Args: $post_id, $product, $summary_panel
Description: Display the summary panel
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-summary-panel.php

Hook: pewc_filter_frontend_template_path
Type: Filter
Args: $template_path, $template
Description: Look for a template in the child theme, then the parent theme, finally the plugin’s default template
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-templates.php

Hook: pewc_filter_frontend_template_location
Type: Filter
Args: $location
Description: Get the default path for frontend templates
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-templates.php

Hook: pewc_text_counter_show_max
Type: Filter
Args: $item
Description: Add a character counter to text and textarea fields
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-text.php

Hook: pewc_text_counter_separator
Type: Filter
Args: $item
Description: Add a character counter separator
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-text.php

Hook: pewc_enable_tooltips
Type: Filter
Args: $enable_tooltips
Description: Enable tooltips
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-tooltips.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictDefaultMessage_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default drop zone message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictFallbackMessage_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default drop zone fallback message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictFallbackText_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default drop zone fallback text message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictFileTooBig_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default file is too big message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictInvalidFileType_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default file type not allowed message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictCancelUpload_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default cancel upload message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictUploadCanceled_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default upload cancelled message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictCancelUploadConfirmation_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default cancel upload confirmation message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictRemoveFile_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default remove file message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_dictMaxFilesExceeded_message
Type: Filter
Description: Default max upload files uploaded message
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_dropzone_thumbnail_width
Type: Filter
Args: $id, $field
Description: Thumbnail width
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_dropzone_thumbnail_height
Type: Filter
Args: $id, $field
Description: Thumbnail height
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_dropzone_max_thumbnail_size
Type: Filter
Args: $id
Description: Thumbnail max thumbnail file size
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_dropzone_timeout
Type: Filter
Args: $id
Description: Upload timeout
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_file_data
Type: Filter
Args: $pewc_file_data, $id, $product_id
Description: Convert the AJAX uploaded files object into a $_FILES type array
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_files_array
Type: Filter
Args: $files, $pewc_file_data, $id, $product_id
Description: Files
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_enable_pdf_thumb
Type: Filter
Description: Check if PDF thumbs are enabled
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_start_upload_script
Type: Hook
Args: $id, $field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_start_upload_script
Type: Hook
Args: $id, $field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_end_upload_options
Type: Hook
Args: $id, $field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_start_upload_script_init
Type: Hook
Args: $id, $field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_after_upload_queuecomplete
Type: Hook
Args: $id, $field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_after_upload_script_init
Type: Hook
Args: $id, $field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_end_upload_script
Type: Hook
Args: $id, $field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-uploads.php

Hook: pewc_filter_item_attributes
Type: Filter
Args: $attributes, $item
Description: Add data-variations attributes to field item
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-variations.php

Hook: pewc_get_conditional_field_visibility
Type: Filter
Args: $is_visible, $id, $item, $items, $product_id, $variation_id, $cart_item_data
Description: Filter pewc_get_conditional_field_visibility to check if a field is visible for this variant
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-variations.php

Hook: pewc_filter_end_add_cart_item_data
Type: Filter
Args: $cart_item_data, $item, $group_id, $field_id, $value
Description: Set the product weight based on the value of a field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-weight.php

Hook: woocommerce_before_calculate_totals
Type: Filter
Args: $cart
Description: Set the product weight based on the value of a field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-weight.php

Hook: woocommerce_before_calculate_totals
Type: Filter
Args: $cart
Description: Set the product weight based on the value of a field
Where: product-extras-for-woocommerce/inc/functions-weight.php

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