You can replace the label ‘Role’ in the registration form using this snippet: Here’s how to add a snippet.
If you are setting an expiry time on membership roles, you might want to add a new role when the...
If you would like to allow users to view your product pages but not be able to purchase the product,...
You can use the following filter to remove existing user roles if a user is assigned a new role when...
You can use the following snippet to display details of a product’s expiration date: How to add a snippet.
By default, you can set expiry dates a specific period of time into the future. So a membership role will...
You can filter the email messages sent when a user is approved or rejected using the following snippet: Here’s how...
If you want to let users know that their accounts are still pending, you can use this snippet: Here’s how...
Use this wcmo_new_registration_email_content to filter the content of the email sent to the site admin when a user needs to...
If you want to disable the standard WooCommerce notice that displays when a new user registers an account, you can...